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Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. thanks for the reply! i don't know if this would create more problems, but what about a scenario where text input refresh is somehow disconnected from the search results? i'm totally cool with waiting a bit longer for results if i'm doing heavy lifting elsewhere, it just hurts my brain a bit when i type and there's a momentary delay before the characters appear on screen! i'm guessing the biggest issue would be that you could then have "out of date" results for your onscreen text.
  2. whenever i'm doing anything processor heavy, like rendering video, alfred recently has started exhibiting massive lag on keyboard input. text input in any other area of the system is not effected, even spotlight which is also doing realtime searches. this makes alfred much less useful now as a productivity tool, since it is almost unbearable to use while working. is this a known bug, or is there something i could do that might help alleviate this? (no, not using my computer for anything else is not an option, sorry! )
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