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Posts posted by t3k

  1. On 11/4/2016 at 7:25 PM, Vero said:

    @t3k There are a few ways to do this, with the best one being to use workflow variables to allow the user to enter these arguments one at the time.


    Here's a guide to using variables in workflows:



    You can then add the built-in Simple To-Do List workflow example to see the above example in action. :)


    Alternatively, if you'd rather take one query and split it yourself, this thread covers that:






    Hi vero thanks for the answer and sory for late replies.

    I've understand a little about using query splitting playing with andrew's kitten image example.

    Can you explain it more about using the workflows to input the argument one at the time?

  2. 9 hours ago, Andrew said:

    @t3k I've just created you a simple example which uses comma as the separator and messaged it to you :)


    Hi thanks andrew, I just playing the example but I ran to a problem which because it's an array it will convert %5B and %5D to %255B and %255D. The problem is similiar as this: link. And in my case it will make the query not working. Is there any solution?

  3. On 1/13/2016 at 8:30 PM, Andrew said:



    Hi there,


    This isn't possible with standard web searches, but is possible with a simple workflow. If you have a Powerpack, pop your email address in the Powerpack field in the forum profile (only viewable by Vero and I), and I'll share my workflow with you :)





    Please email to me too, can I change it to be separated by comma, not space?

  4. Hi all, so I want to make custom search for multiple argument and I need help.

    I use Alfred v3 with powerpack, doesn't have many experience with programming.


    The argument is for example:

    • search keyword
    • minimum price
    • condition (used or new)

    So when I type keyword and the argument separated by comma it will search to several website that I have registered.



    User input aaa, bbb, ccc


    Will search:

    1. website1.com/xxx=aaa&yyy=bbb&zzz=ccc
    2. website2.com/xxx=bbb&yyy=aaa&zzz=ccc
    3. website1.com/xxx=ccc&yyy=bbb&zzz=aaa
    4. so on

    (the structure for each website is different)



    • If input only aaa, not bbb or ccc, dismiss argument for bbb & ccc
    • If input olly for aaa & bbb, dismiss ccc.
    • The condition (new/used) is different for each website, so need to change from the given keyword to wach website format.


    Hope it is clear enough. What is the best way to do it?

    Any help would be appreciated.

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