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Posts posted by steyep

  1. The first issue, that's already been discussed, is the fact that you're outputting the Archive.zip file into the directory that's executing the script. You can prepend the output file name with a directory and you should be good to go. If you're intending to output the zip file into the directory of the file you're compressing, you can access that with dirname


    The second issue is that multiple files are passed to the script with a tab delimiter – meaning there will be more than one argument passed to your script so zipping {query} or $1 will only zip the first file. Here's what I would suggest:


    zip -jrv "$(dirname "$1")/Archive.zip" "$@"


  2. 3 hours ago, alexreg said:


    Any for an easy way to check for hard-coded references? I have a number of workflows, so no idea just scanning them which might be the culprit!


    How about this?

    workflows="$HOME/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows" # Path to your workflows
    find $workflows -type f -exec sh -c 'grep -q "Alfred 2" "$0" && echo "$0"' "{}" \;

    You can run this in the terminal to return a list of files containing the string "Alfred 2"

  3. I've noticed a few threads on the forum that integrate Alfred with JIRA but wasn't quite able to find one that did everything I was looking for so I decided to try my hand at writing my own (in Node.js). 


    Here are a few of the features:

    • List issues assigned to you
    • List issues that you are "watching"
    • Search JIRA
    • Assign an issue to a user
    • Transition the status of an issue
    • Quickly add a comment to an issue
    • View an issue's priority
    • Watch/Unwatch an issue
    • Open issue in a web browser

    I'm still in the process of developing the workflow so I haven't yet created an .alfredworkflow file. That said, if you'd like to install and test the workflow for me, instructions can be found on my github page. If you have suggestions/features those are certainly welcome as well. 



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