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Posts posted by Sheldon

  1. Hi everyone.  I have a collection of custom web searches that I would like to execute using a hyperlink.  This way I have a clickable solution to run it when presented with a reminder or am reviewing my notes.  I could create a workflow with an external trigger, but it feels like a lot of added overhead to build and maintain for a simple mechanism.


    Is there a mechanism to trigger a specific Alfred custom web search via a hyperlink?


    e.g.  "alfred://websearch (You need to check this today)"

  2. Thanx again.  The above is an example to demo the need.  I have encapsulated everything I can into single entities that can be copied between workflows.  It's more like what you suggested, workflows integrating with others to create new flows or enhance existing ones without having to update every copy when tools or processes change.

  3. Hi everyone.  I have several workflows that call others using the "call external trigger" feature.  This has worked well, allowing me to create islands of work that I can chain together for new efforts.  I am finding that there are few common tasks that I have to duplicate at the start of a few flows through (e.g. run app X, Y, & Z if not already started).  I'd like to centralize those tasks into one entity I can easily maintain, but I don't see a solution similar to "call external trigger" to accomplish this that will return to the calling flow.


    For example, from this:


    WorkFlow1: [hotkey A] -> [ensure app X & Y is running]->[check if app Z is busy] -> [do stuff]

    WorkFlow2: [hotkey B] -> [ensure app X & Y is running]->[check if app Z is busy] -> [do different stuff]


    To this:


    WorkFlow1: [hotkey A] -> [run workflow3 and wait until it is finished] -> [do stuff]

    WorkFlow2: [hotkey B] -> [run workflow3 and wait until it is finished] -> [do different stuff]

    WorkFlow3: [ensure app X & Y is running]->[check if app Z is busy]

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