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  1. To make this more concrete, here is an example: Steps: 1. Press "Ctrl+n" and do not release it Expected: 1. The cursor will KEEP moving down Actual: 1. The cursor only moves one line down The workflow I am using is as in picture. It is a hotkey (ctrl+n) mapping to a key combo (the down arrow key). BTW, I've also tried using applescript to achieve the expected result. But somehow, when pressing key "ctrl+n", the cursor does not move at all. The applescript is: on alfred_script(q) # down arrow key is 125 tell application "System Events" to key code 125 end alfred_script
  2. For 2, "actioning a result should quit Alfred. ", I am not seeing this. My code is ```python3 import sys from datetime import datetime import json query = int(sys.argv[1]) time = datetime.fromtimestamp(query).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # see https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/script-filter/json/ result = { "items": [ {"title": time} ] } print(json.dumps(result)) ``` Am I missing something? I am on the latest Alfred.
  3. Thanks. I now get the script working. Two minor issues: 1. After typing the context, some file results also show up. How do I filter out these results. 2. How can I press enter to quit? Currently pressing enter does nothing.
  4. My requirement is that, 1. Type triggering keyword, for example, "ep" 2. Type the argument, for example, "xxxyyyy", so the input bar will be "ep xxxyyy" 3. At this step, alfred shall show some output beneath the search bar. The output is actually calculated by the workflow. I am stuck at Step 3. How to tell the workflow/alfred to calculate based on the input xxxyyy, and also how to render the result directly inside alfred (instead of posting some system notification, for example)
  5. @Vero Yes. In spotlight the behaviour as in alfred. So its the fault of spotlight? hmmm.
  6. @Vero Hi. Thanks for taking a look into it. My configure is here: I tried several times and come to this conclusion: After a reboot of the system, when you first launch a 3rd party application, e.g., wireshark, it will open on the acive (macbook display) even if the active display is the external display. However, if you drag the wireshark window to the external display, close it, and then open it again while keeping the active display still the external display, then wireshark will open on the external display. On the other hand, for apple software, particularly "preview.app", it will always open on the macbook display.
  7. Actually I am facing the same issue, but *not* chrome only. Suppose I am on the second screen (the active one), invoking Alfred will open it correctly on the second screen. However, if I further launch some app from alfred, then those apps will *always* open on the first display. So how to solve this? TIA.
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