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Posts posted by polle

  1. I am trying to make this work and it is impossible to follow.


    Can someone please share the correct and necessary steps to make it work?


    1- Download and import workflow.

    2- Database ID. (Go to Notion page and use the 32 characters code before the ?) Copy that to a text file

    3- Token. (Go to Notion integrations, create a new integration, grab the "secret_ejkadsjkdasfhkjdskhjfdskhjfdhkjdf") Copy to a text file

    4- Open Alfred workflow, click [x] paste 2 & 3 under values.

    5- Go to your notion database, click share and invite your integration created in 3.

    6- ???


    So far I tried that and nothing works, invoque Alfred, ": add to inbox" write something and 

    {"items":[{"title": "Couldn't find the `node` binary", "subtitle": "Symlink it to `/usr/local/bin`"}]}


    Anyone willing to share a correct step by step without assuming we know everything?



  2. 5 hours ago, deanishe said:


    Well you can see from the log that it's trying and failing to save its data to an old Alfred 2 directory that doesn't exist.


    Try running this command in Terminal and see if the workflow works then:


    mkdir -p ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow\ Data



    Thank you.


    It actually works, but the error shows up in the log.

    Anyone else can confirm this happens in the log?

  3. I changed default browser to other than Safari and now the code shows up, copy code then: "alfredtweet" "space" "paste" "enter" = Settings saved. AlfredTweet is ready to go!

    Now it works!

    This in the log:

    [2019-04-30 11:04:08][input.scriptfilter] <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <items><item uid="tweet" arg="Alfred tweet test 2!" valid="yes"><title>Tweet: Alfred tweet test 2!</title><subtitle>Remaining: 120. Press Cmd+Enter to send.</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item></items>
    [2019-04-30 11:04:12][input.scriptfilter] Processing output of 'action.script' with arg 'Alfred tweet test 2!'
    [2019-04-30 11:04:13][ERROR: action.script] mkdir: /Users/user/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data: No such file or directory
    mkdir: /Users/user/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data: No such file or directory
    [2019-04-30 11:04:13][action.script] Processing output of 'output.notification' with arg 'Tweeted: Alfred tweet test 2!'

    Is that something that needs to be fixed?


    Also, it asks for command + enter to send, is there a way to change that to only enter?



  4. Sure, here is the info.

    Alfred: 3.8.1

    macOS: Mojave 10.14


    Starting debug for 'AlfredTweet'
    [2019-04-30 10:49:00][input.keyword] Processing output of 'action.script' with arg ''
    [2019-04-30 10:49:00][action.script] Processing output of 'output.notification' with arg 'Continuing login at AlfredTweet home page.'

    1- Setup Alfred Tweet

    2- Authenticate (http://alfredtweet.dferg.us)

    3- Authorise (twitter.com)

    4- Page returns to authenticate (oauth_token and oauth_verifier in URL)

    5- Nothing happens...


    Thanks for your help.

  5. Hello everyone.


    In my Mac since I installed macOS High Sierra applications are not being called as usual. Instead of typing for example "CH" to invoque Google Chrome (as before), I now have to type "Open Google Ch" and then it shows. This happens for all applications and none of them show up unless I write "Open before" and then at least 5 or 7 extra characters with the name of the app.


    If I write the name of the app as before, I just get files results.


    Any idea how can this be fixed ?

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