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Posts posted by agilefalcon

  1. Okay, I did that and picked a year ago. When I restored it "recreated folders" because the path was different. I used the path you mentioned and found the preferences file there so I don't know what would have been different. I never changed anything. I looked at Time Machine path to the file and my current Alfred 4 path and they appear to be the same to me. As it turns out - it restored to an Alfred 3 directory. I then copied the preferences into the Alfred directory (as it turns out this is Alfred 4).


    Missing snippets and workflows are back!


     I can use a key combination to pull up a pop up that then lists the collections and snippets in a dialog that lists the collections and snippets in the same column which is quite confusing. Shouldn't "Collections" and "Snippets" be something different instead of being listed together as peers? One is subordinate to the other, right? I generally don't use that but think I will going forward; I just think it makes this dialog messy to have both the collection and snippet in the same list together.


    Also duplicative: A checkbox to "Automatically expand snippets by keyword" then when you Edit a snippet you get yet another checkbox for "Auto expansion allowed." How do these work together? 


    The Collections now have to have a "Affix" and "Suffix" Why is that necessary? I used to just type "!" and then the keyword such as "!textplaceholder"

    I found that I don't have to use the "Suffix" and hope that doesn't break something. Using a suffix is redundant to the keyword within the snippet, isn't it? Again this is duplication.... 


    Incidentally, I have used an "app cleaner" before though not on Alfred... As you noted, perhaps it cleaned away something unintended. 


    Otherwise it is working fundamentally now.


    Thanks for the help.








  2. Sure can:


    4.2.1 [1187]

    10.13.6 High Sierra - I cannot update further due to age of iMac

    I don't know anything about "sync" of Alfred preferences. I don't think I've ever seen that.

    I use Time Machine.

    This Mac has consistently run perfectly for 10 years. 


    In addition, I purchased PowerPack and it was also missing. I re-added my PowerPack license. No idea why that disappeared.




  3. I cannot say what led up to this but it seems like it was some Alfred update. All my snippets and preferences are either missing or reset.

    Furthermore, is there any place where the snippets might be saved so that I can recover them - same goes for other Alfred features that I have created and modified over the years.


    There has been no warning that I was going to lose everything...so what happened?

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