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  1. I think I figured out the issue: Unchecking all the modes of "escaping" on the terminal scripting node seemed to resolve the problem of directory. Thanks again @deanishe for the excellent answer!
  2. @deanishe Bravo! This is awesome, and almost everything seems to be working. There seems to be a bit of an issue though with the file filter, though, as the terminal returns "No Such File or Directory" for a folder that is clearly there. It looks to be an issue with how the directory path is specified, but to my naive eyes, I'm not at all sure. This screen capture shows the difference between the results of the Alfred query file filter and the ever-reliable drag & drop path specification in Terminal:
  3. @Vero- Done! @deanishe - Thanks for your reply. The link is 404, unfortunately.
  4. Bonus: It'd be really nice if I could also add the additional step of opening a url in my default browser directing me to the localhost! Can I combine, "File Filter", "Run Script" and "Open URL"?
  5. Hey there Alfred Community, Full disclaimer: I am a hopeless newbie when it comes to the topics I'm addressing here, so I apologize in advance for ambiguous vocabulary. Basically, I am trying to use a combination of "File Filter" and "Run Script" to open a server on a specific folder (for development's sake). In Terminal, I would do the following: cd ~/PathToRelevantFolder php -S localhost: (Port) How do I transform this into a workflow such that I can use a file filter to return my folder of interest and provide an additional argument that allows me to specify the port I wish to use for the local host (e.g. 8000, 9090, 3012...). It's the latter half (providing the port argument) that's giving me the most difficulty. My thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me! -Colin
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