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Everything posted by brobbles

  1. Hi There, I'm looking for solutions that'll let me trigger a workflow when the clipboard changes. Any ideas? If there's not an easy way to do this, I'm open to exploring a harder way to do this like a little external program that triggers the Alfred workflow. Specifically, I want to perform a text transformation on the clipboard text, and update the clipboard to contain the transformed text. For full context here I want to replace the "dl?=0" at the end of Dropbox shared link urls to "?raw=1" so that my links actually link directly to the raw content, and don't have Dropbox chrome around them. I have this set up right now to trigger on a keyboard command but would love to change things so that my workflow just triggers everytime the clipboard changes. If the clipboard ever has "?dl=0" in it, I'll swap it out and change the clipboard data. Any ideas? I have a crapper solution for this working with a Python script but since I work on multiple computers and already have all my Alfred settings syncing between them, would love to solve this just with Alfred.
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