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Posts posted by fleaf5

  1. 15 hours ago, vitor said:

    Welcome @fleaf5,


    How exactly (visually) are you envisioning this? Because you’re asking for multiple results to be returned, but each result will have five lines (grep -A 4). Since Alfred can only display one line per result (technically two if we include the subtitle) and lines have a finite length, I don’t see the results being too useful.

    Hi Victor,

    Thanks for the reply! Because I document all my manuals in the format with #mask: and then some tips. So if I do grep -A 4 \#mask usually only return one result with 5 lines of brief explanation.  So it should work. (if better, could it pass two argument like mask, 6 indicating the line number?


    BTW, it will also be helpful to recommend other ways to check for my personal notes.



  2. Hi I think this should be a very simple task.

    1. I have a folder: eg ~/manuals/ where I store all the different notes and manuals I write for my self. All the files ends with .man

    2. I often need to check the contents of these files. eg. the usage of mask with python, etc


    The workflow I want is like below:

    1. I want to use the keyword ??, and run sth like "?? mask"

    2. and then I want to run a command line: grep -A 4 mask ~/manuals/*.man

    3. I want the result to be returned to alfred and shown in the window


    However, I could not figure out the return part and never see the returned post notification.

    Could anyone help me? Thanks very much!!!



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