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rob213 last won the day on September 27 2020

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  1. thank you for your reply. that is precisely my question. How do you handle the receiver when you have 2 types of arguments: URL and file path. How should I modify the workflow below so that I can include URLs and paths in the list filter? thank you your patience !
  2. thank you very much @sepulchra! You solved my problem. Very kind of you. To answer your question, my workflow only contained one object, the list file action. If it is not asking too much can I ask you follow-up questions: 1- import CSV file Can the CSV look like: title1,subtitle1,arg1 title2,subtitle2,arg2 etc one per line is easier for me or does it have to be title1,subtitle1,arg1, title2,subtitle2,arg2 2- mixing arguments. In my workflow, all arguments are URLs. Is it possible and how to mix URLs UNIX file paths and other types of arguments. For the sake of the discussion, let's ignore the fact that I can create a file path URL. thanks again very much !!
  3. I am trying to understand list filters. I created a test workflow containing a single action: a list filter. In the list filter, I added a series of URLs from which I want to select. 3 are websites and one is a URL link to a Bear Note When I trigger the keyword, I see the list below but nothing happens when I press Enter on one of the selections (the URL is not triggered). Keyword line: I tried argument optional, argument required which just makes things worse (I no longer see the list below the keyword). thank you very much
  4. I am still confused. thank you It's extremely frustrating.
  5. Hello again, I am looking for a way to add notes to my workflow with tips in case I come back to the workflow in a few months ! I don't like the "edit note" in the context menu of objects because the area to work in is too small and it is text only and I use Bear Notes extensively for everything. In the edit note field, I could not insert the markdown link to this forum page and to my Bear note. I prefer to create Bear Notes containing all the information. Each Bear Note has a unique URL. My question is where could I store that Bear Link in my workflows (which I prefer to individual objects). thank you very much !
  6. thank you so much and sorry for the trouble. Very kind of you
  7. Sorry, the link is incomprehensible. I will drop the idea. thank you
  8. I am creating a list filter for Alfred keywords that I tend to forget. I understand that I have to create a CSV file with title, subtitle and argument. I would like to know what to write as an argument so that selecting the keyword (once found) triggers the workflow thank you very much
  9. After that I would like to be able to search the bookmarks inside the folder with Alfred. thanks in advance for your time and help
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