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Posts posted by Princess

  1. Sorry I'm not good at explaining this!


    The first number isn't optional.  

    "So you want your input split into "first number" and "other numbers""  Yes... First number is the 3 digit (which is actually the second one in the url).


    "Then you want the workflow to open a URL for each of "other numbers" where each URL also includes "first number"?"  Yes.  So if I paste 25 numbers from Excel, they will all have the same 3 digit number from query 1.


    https: //blahblahblah .net/order/{query2}/info?test={query 1}

    If query 1 = 321

    and query 2 =






    It should open up 

    https: //blahblahblah .net/order/54321/info?test=321

    https: //blahblahblah .net/order/54322/info?test=321

    https: //blahblahblah .net/order/54333/info?test=321

    https: //blahblahblah .net/order/54444/info?test=321



    .... hopefully all by me entering my keyword 321, 54321 54322 54333 54444 (all coming vertically from excel like before)


  2. I'd like to have two different queries within the same URL. 333 just represents the first query in the workflow.  That number will change, but is currently only 3 digits (will probably move up to 4 at some point).  I want the second query to be exactly like the last workflow you wrote.


    I'm hoping I can type my keyword.... then type a 3 (maybe 4) digit number...  then paste 25 numbers from Excel (like you wrote last time) and have them all open up in different tabs.  



    In the above example....  if my keyword was z.... I'd type "z 333, (excel paste)"  Excel paste represents all the numbers I'm paste from Excel.


    https: //blahblahblah .net/order/{query2}/info?test={query 1}


    Is that more clear?

  3. I was able to get the kitten workflow to open a site with two queries... but I couldn't figure out how to adjust the one the "Alfred whisperer" @deanishe

    created.  I'm still hoping that one can be adjusted so I can dump a bunch of numbers from Excel into it.  Thoughts?




    Is there a way to build on top of what you build last time?  Can there be two queries.  In the example the below, 62311 would be the query that you wrote last time where I can dump a bunch of numbers in from Excel.... and 333 would be a new query?  Is this possible?


    I'm hoping I can just enter 

    Keyword 333, 62311

    Keyword (3 digit number), (all the numbers I'm pasting from Excel)




  4. Is there a way to build on top of what you build last time?  Can there be two queries.  In the example the below, 62311 would be the query that you wrote last time where I can dump a bunch of numbers in from Excel.... and 333 would be a new query?  Is this possible?


    I'm hoping I can just enter 

    Keyword 333, 62311

    Keyword (3 digit number), (all the numbers I'm pasting from Excel)




    Your last workflow is working magically!

  5. Fair enough.... thanks, I appreciate it!


    Currently I type c 62111 and get the results   www.blahblahblah.com/house/{query}/fun    I'm hoping to replace the 62111 with multiple entries such as...






    which I've pasted from a column in Excel (different cells), and have it open up in three different tabs in the same window in Chrome.




  6. Um, maybe I'm in over my head because I honestly don't understand much of this, sorry.  I was hoping to use the one that was posted in the dropbox link so I don't have anything I'm building off of and was hoping somebody could possibly help me.  I love the way I've been doing it for years with only one word/number in the query I've been using. 


    My new goal is to press apple spacebar,  enter my key word of x and then cut an paste order numbers from Excel that are arranged vertically and have them open up in a website in multiple tabs. I can't enter the entire url since it's for work.


    Is this possible?

  7. Question......   I am doing something similar using the dropbox file from above but am not getting the results I desire..... Yes, I'm sure I'm doing it incorrectly.  All I changed was the url.... yes xxxx isn't he correct website, but the rest of it is.



    and I get the results image.png.077e327dbbb069132f2c8c933c20f079.png


    This gives me the correct results when I do it with with web search for one item use image.png.35fb1e4e40bf696655c1db37d56c3edd.png


    and get the correct result of image.png.ffee21e9f416154077b024a26e869044.png



    If somebody can help me make this work, the second part to my questions would be to know if it's possible to press apple space, enter the keyword and paste multiple  order numbers that are currently vertical in an excel spreadsheet? I'm guessing the comma would have to be taken out and replaced with something else.... but I'm not sure what. 


    Thanks in advance for your help!




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