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Posts posted by Ptujec

  1. On 9/10/2013 at 12:51 AM, stonefury said:

    I position my laptop below my larger monitor, so it won't work for this case. Will be easy to fix, just mentioning in case there was a way to better identify the monitor to move the window to.

    Check my script below. This should work no matter how you position monitors or whether one is bigger or smaller … as long as it's just two. Didn't try it for more. If you are still interested 7 years + later ;)

  2. Hi you might be interested in this. I build it for LaunchBar. But since it is just an applescript you should be able to make it work just fine in Alfred with just a few changes. It's a few lines of code. But it should cover pretty much all the bases.


    # http://superuser.com/questions/331313/how-to-automagically-move-windows-between-monitors-with-one-keystroke
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6565703/math-algorithm-fit-image-to-screen-retain-aspect-ratio
    # https://forum.latenightsw.com/t/get-sizes-of-monitor-s-via-applescript/1351/10
    use framework "Foundation"
    use framework "AppKit"
    use scripting additions
    set allFrames to (current application's NSScreen's screens()'s valueForKey:"frame") as list
    	set _mon1 to item 2 of item 1 of allFrames
    	set _mon2 to item 2 of item 2 of allFrames
    	set _mon1Width to item 1 of _mon1
    	set _mon1Hight to item 2 of _mon1
    	set _mon1Size to _mon1Width + _mon1Hight
    	set _mon2Width to item 1 of _mon2
    	set _mon2Hight to item 2 of _mon2
    	set _mon2Size to _mon2Width + _mon2Hight
    	set _screenWar to (_mon2Width / _mon1Width) # width adaption ratio of screen 1 & 2
    	set _screenHar to (_mon2Hight / _mon1Hight) #  hight adaption ratio of screen 1 & 2 
    	tell current application to set _hightoffset to do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :DisplayAnyUserSets:Configs:0:0:CurrentInfo:OriginY ' /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.displays.plist"
    	set _hightoffset to _hightoffset as feet as number
    	tell current application to set _widthoffset to do shell script "/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :DisplayAnyUserSets:Configs:0:0:CurrentInfo:OriginX ' /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.displays.plist"
    	set _widthoffset to _widthoffset as feet as number
    	# detect position of the second screen in relation to the main screen
    	if _mon1Width = _widthoffset then
    		# say "Rechts"
    		set _right to true
    	else if _mon1Hight = _hightoffset then
    		set _right to false
    		set _bottom to true
    	else if _mon2Width = -_widthoffset then
    		set _right to false
    		set _bottom to false
    		set _left to true
    	else if _mon2Hight = -_hightoffset then
    		set _right to false
    		set _bottom to false
    		set _left to false
    		set _top to true
    	end if
    end try
    	tell application "System Events"
    		tell (first process whose frontmost is true)
    			set _windowPos to position of window 1
    			set x to item 1 of _windowPos # x = position width 
    			set y to item 2 of _windowPos # y = position hight 
    			set _windowSize to size of window 1
    			set _windowWidth to (item 1 of _windowSize)
    			set _windowHight to (item 2 of _windowSize)
    			# set current location (which monitor) of the frontmost window and new window size and postion 
    			if _right is true then
    				if x < _mon1Width then
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth * _screenWar, _windowHight * _screenHar}
    					set _newPosition to {(x * _screenWar) + _widthoffset, ((y - 25) * _screenHar) + (_hightoffset + 25)} # menubar = 25 pixel
    					set _winLocation to "mon1"
    					set _newPosition to {(x - _widthoffset) / _screenWar, ((y - (_hightoffset + 25)) / _screenHar) + 25}
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth / _screenWar, _windowHight / _screenHar}
    					set _winLocation to "mon2"
    				end if
    			else if _bottom is true then
    				if y < _mon1Hight then
    					set _newPosition to {(x * _screenWar) + _widthoffset, ((y - 25) * _screenHar) + (_hightoffset + 25)}
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth * _screenWar, _windowHight * _screenHar}
    					set _winLocation to "mon1"
    					set _newPosition to {(x - _widthoffset) / _screenWar, ((y - (_hightoffset + 25)) / _screenHar) + 25}
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth / _screenWar, _windowHight / _screenHar}
    					set _winLocation to "mon2"
    				end if
    			else if _left is true then
    				if x > -1 then
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth * _screenWar, _windowHight * _screenHar}
    					set _newPosition to {(x * _screenWar) + _widthoffset, ((y - 25) * _screenHar) + (_hightoffset + 25)}
    					set _winLocation to "mon1"
    					set _newPosition to {(x - _widthoffset) / _screenWar, ((y - (_hightoffset + 25)) / _screenHar) + 25}
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth / _screenWar, _windowHight / _screenHar}
    					set _winLocation to "mon2"
    				end if
    			else if _top is true then
    				if y < 25 then
    					set _newPosition to {(x - _widthoffset) / _screenWar, (y + (-_hightoffset - 25)) / _screenHar + 25}
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth / _screenWar, (_windowHight + 25) / _screenHar - 25}
    					set _winLocation to "mon2"
    					set _newSize to {_windowWidth * _screenWar, (_windowHight + 25) * _screenHar - 25}
    					set _newPosition to {(x * _screenWar) + _widthoffset, ((y - 25) * _screenHar) + _hightoffset + 25}
    					set _winLocation to "mon1"
    				end if
    			end if
    			# checking for window loaction and whether the monitor it is located on is bigger or smaller than the other one 
    			if _winLocation is "mon1" then
    				if _mon1Size > _mon2Size then
    					set size of window 1 to _newSize
    					set position of window 1 to _newPosition
    					set position of window 1 to _newPosition
    					set size of window 1 to _newSize
    				end if
    				if _mon2Size > _mon1Size then
    					set size of window 1 to _newSize
    					set position of window 1 to _newPosition
    					set position of window 1 to _newPosition
    					set size of window 1 to _newSize
    				end if
    			end if
    		end tell
    	end tell
    end try

    There are more window actions on my github. Under the hood they are all applescripts https://github.com/Ptujec/LaunchBar/tree/master/Window%20Actions 

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