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Posts posted by shainekim

  1. @GuiB

    Thanks for the simple example! One thing is that I want to open the search in a new window, instead of a new tab. That's why I started to use applescript in the first place. Is there a way to improve your example so that it does that?



    Thanks, I appreciate your help!

    The purpose is to make sure my workflow opens a new window, both when the app is running and not running. If I execute

    tell application "Google Chrome"
            open location "https://www.youtube.com"
            end tell

    when the app is not running, (running it for the first time after reboot), it then activates a  new window on the homepage, and another window on Youtube. That's why I decided to put 

    that do shell line. But after your help, I changed my script around, and here's my result : \



    on alfred_script(q)
        if q is equal to "" then
            if application "Google Chrome" is running then
            tell application "Google Chrome"
            make new window
            open location "https://www.youtube.com"
            end tell
            tell application "Google Chrome" to open location "https://youtube.com"
            end if
            if application "Google Chrome" is running then
            tell application "Google Chrome"
            make new window
            open location "https://www.youtube.com/search?q=" & q
            end tell
            tell application "Google Chrome" to open location "https://youtube.com" & q
            end if
        end if
    end alfred_script


    I think I'm almost done here, the only problem is 


    1. if used q quoted form of q, then youtube searches for the actual quoted form of what I've typed in. So if I search apple, it searches for 'apple'

    2. if i don't use quoted form of q, then I can't search for multiple words!


    Oh, and I have no idea where to upload my workflow, I did save it as a file.






    I really feel like I'm bugging you guys out with something not important at all, I really appreciate your help thanks :)





  2. Hi guys, I recently bought Alfred and trying to make a workflow of my taste, but I'm having a real hard time. I'm new to programming in general, but I'm trying my best so any help would be appreciated!


    Here's my Goal: I want to create a workflow that is triggered by a key word, with optional arguments, so that when there are no argument, a specific (not the default) browser to open a specific (not the homepage) URL, in a new window regardless the web browser app is running or not. When provided with an argument, I want to search for the argument. So for example, if I type "yy" , then Chrome opens Youtube in a new window, and if I type "yy alfred" then Chrome does a search on alfred on Youtube.


    The first issue I ran into was that when apps are not running in the background and are activated, if I activate the app and give it an URL, I get 2 new windows. I looked it up and I did fix it (I think).


    The real problem is that I cannot find how to retrieve? import? the argument as {query} and search for the argument. I've tried what the default web search does on alfred, but no luck at all. Here's my script


    on alfred_script(q)
        if q is equal to "" then
            if application "Google Chrome" is running then
            run script "tell application \"Google Chrome\"
            open location \"https://www.youtube.com\"
            end tell"
            set theApp to quoted form of "Google Chrome"
            do shell script "open -n -a " &theApp & " 'https://www.youtube.com'"
            end if
            set query to q
            if application "Google Chrome" is running then
            run script "tell application \"Google Chrome\"
            open location \"https://www.youtube.com/search?q={query}\"
            end tell"
            set theApp to quoted form of "Google Chrome"
            do shell script "open -n -a " &theApp & " 'https://youtube.com/search?q={query}'"
            end if
        end if
    end alfred_script



    I'd love some hints on how I can make my workflow work! Thanks

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