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Posts posted by MSealey

  1. 10 hours ago, deanishe said:

    Yup. Here's a simple workflow to show the size of a directory.

    Change the folder variable in the configuration sheet to point it to a different directory (it's pointed at ~/Downloads by default), then enter the keyword dirsize to show the size in Alfred. It also has a File Action, so you can run it on any directory.

    Thanks so much. How kind. I have also been trying out Hazel.

    What a great community this is. Very much appreciated!

  2. Have searched but couldn't find: is it possible, please, to have Alfred 4 Notify me when a certain directory reaches a predetermined size?


    I put old .dmg and updater files etc into a directory, whose contents I then burn to CD when the size of that directory is around 700 MB.


    Possible with Alfred?



  3. Great! Thanks again, Vitor 🙂 .

    I think I've got it amended as you kindly suggest - BUT what I obviously now have to do next is go back to your docs and work my way through them.

    Which will be a pleasure.

    One quick thing, if I may, that seems more immediate: what's considered good practice with .alfredworkflow files - does it matter where they're kept once I've imported them? is there really no need to save any workflow etc?

    Two little things actually: is it a known bug (apparently) that the arrow keys don't work when editing here on this forum?


    Thanks again!


    Is there anything which Alfred cannot do!

  4. Hi - completely new to Alfred 🙂.


    Before buying the Powerpack, I'd like to know, please, if it can automate one of the routines I do most often: open Safari and about a dozen Safari tabs to switch between the sites I visit most often.


    Very grateful for any help/advice - and ideally confirmation - that Alfred 3 + Powerpack can do such things…

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