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Posts posted by rjames86

  1. It looks like Apple moved Favorite Servers to a new location. I got it to work with a script filter using a combination of python and JavaScript



    Workflow here:




    Just type "vnc" and it'll list out your favorites. No search as of right now.


    For those curious how to get favorites in 10.11 El Capitan

    items = $.NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithFile('<INSERT HOME DIRECTORY>/Library/Application Support/com.apple.sharedfilelist/com.apple.LSSharedFileList.FavoriteServers.sfl')
    items = items.objectForKey('items')
    itemsCount = items.count
    var to_ret = []
    while (itemsCount--){
  2. Completely off topic. Are you from Ireland? I've only heard "legend" while I lived there :)


    Something must not be working. I had that happen as well, and there was a bug in the code. Can you click on the debug button in the workflow and let me know what it prints out?

  3. Yep, you're on the right track.


    Give this workflow a try:




    You'll need to first go to https://www.dropbox.com/developers, create a new app using the Sync API, with access to all files in your account. Once you've done that, click the link that says "generate access token". You'll need to put this in the alfred workflow script where it says `access_token = ''`. Put it between the quotes.


    Hope this helps!

  4. Also more generally, there is so much that you can do with Alfred. Don't base your purchase decision on whether it can do this one thing.


    For the most part, if you can write a script to do something, it can be done in Alfred.

  5. This is certainly possible. What I imagine is you would use the file buffer (or select a single file), and run a file action to get the img tags. It would probably need to look something like this (pseudocode style)

    from dropbox import client
    dbclient = client.DropboxClient(access_token)
    def ensure_in_dropbox(file): 
        return True if in Dropbox else False 
    def get_shared_link(file): 
        link = dbclient.share(file) 
        # This is to generate the true url, not a preview 
        return link['url'].replace('www.dropbox', 'dl.dropboxusercontent') 
    img_links = [] 
    for file in files: 
        if ensure_in_dropbox(file): 
            img_links.append( '<img src="{}"></img>'.format(get_shared_link(file)) ) 
    print "\n".join(img_links)


    You would then pass that one to a "Copy to Clipboard" action

  6. I ran across this issue, and it was related to files located in my Dropbox folder. If you have two Dropbox accounts (personal and Business), the folders get renamed to "Dropbox (Personal)" and "Dropbox (Business name)". I had to explicitly add both of these directories for Alfred to find files within them. 


    Not sure if this was related to the fact that your primary Dropbox account folder is symlinked to another, but this ended up working for me.

  7. Hey everyone - 


    I've been playing around with a file action to allow you to restore previous versions of files in Dropbox. Feedback and suggestions welcome.


    Please note this workflow isn't 100% complete. It's worked in my testing, but it probably isn't perfect


    Features include:


    - Support for personal and Dropbox for Business accounts

    - viewing a diff of two files if you have FileMerge installed on your computer (from Xcode)


    - Get a sharable link to a file (not related to previous versions, but still a nice to have)




    - Better errors when things don't work correctly (no FileMerge, you've revoked app access, linked the wrong account)

    - Take advantage of the new shared folder API. I'm testing this in my personal workflow, but it's not ready to be shared yet.

    - Support for more diff tools (Kaleidoscope, etc)



    To get started:


    1. Download the workflow here
    2. Create a Dropbox app at https://www.dropbox.com/developer
      1. Be sure to choose Full App access, otherwise it won't work
    3. Put the client id and secret into src/config.py in the workflow directory

    To authenticate:


    Select a file that's in your Dropbox folder and choose the "Previous Versions" file action. You'll be prompted to authenticate by hitting enter.



    - Once you've approved the app, run dbauth and paste the code. 





    Using Previous Versions:


    Once authenticated, you'll be able to get the last 10 previous versions of a file through the file action




    Hitting Return on any of the versions will give you the option to see a diff of the file. Note that if you don't have FileMerge installed, this will probably just silently fail.

  8. It looks like it's working as expected in this case... the placeholder is there to show what's happening in Alfred's default results.


    When directly triggering a script filter, the results have subtly different behaviour depending on the argument type. With a 'required' argument, the placeholder is shown until an argument is typed. With Optional or None, your script is run immediately (same as default results) which naturally allows you to select a generated result when the argument is empty.


    ahhhh okay. perfect. Thanks for clarifying. Thanks again for all your help on this. External triggers have been amazing. Once I finish polishing up my Dropbox workflow, I'll be sure to post it on the forum. It makes a lot of good use of external triggers + script filters :)

  9. Great call on the icon. I'm terrible about adding special icons for each part of the workflow.


    I think we might be talking about two things. The subtitle text for each of the items in the script filter have always appeared fine. What doesn't appear (also in your last screenshot) is the placeholder  subtext for the script filter itself. 


    I have a workflow that takes a file action → script filter via an external trigger




    That script filter looks like this




    When I run the trigger, I see all of the entries along with their title and subtitle text, but the placeholder subtext doesn't.




    After a little more testing, it looks like if I add a keyword to the script filter and begin to type the keyword, the placeholder subtext appears up until the point where you enter a keyword




    Maybe I was requesting something that never really existed in the first place. I was just hoping to have some sort of placeholder text just above the listed entries to tell the user what they're looking at or what to do with it.

  10. I mentioned this to Andrew as well. As a temporary workaround... make the external trigger point to a keyword (but don't set the keyword), set the title and sub on it and set the argument to optional


    Thanks David. Not sure this would work with the workflow I'm going for. My idea right now is something like this:


    Keyword "argument" > Script filter with searchable options > Run Script > Open URLs


    If in step two, I were to use a keyword filter instead of script filter, I wouldn't be able to search for additional options.


    This is the same behaviour as linking a hotkey to an input, and I agree, it's not ideal. I'll have a think about what I'll do to rectify this :)


    Thanks, Andrew. Really loving this new external trigger stuff. I'm just getting into Keyboard Maestro, and see a ton of potential here too :)

  11. Hey guys,


    I'm not sure if this is by design or a bug, but figured I would throw it in this topic for the time being.


    In 2.3 pre-release, I'm starting to use external triggers. I've noticed that when sending one trigger to another (a script filter in this case), the title and subtitle text do not appear. 


    Note: I'm firing the external trigger with no argument:

    tell application "Alfred 2" to run trigger "admintype" in workflow "com.alfredapp.andrew.xmlformat"

    The resulting external trigger looks like this:




    Whereas if the trigger is called separately it appears as this:




    It would be great to show at least the subtitle text so that it's intuitive what is being asked in this prompt




    - Ryan

  12. Changing the "city" in the Script Filter didn't do anything (i.e. Yelp still only showed restaurants in San Francisco); but I did get it to work when I changed the "find_loc=" variable in the Open URL action.


    Great catch. Fixed and updated the script.

  13. Love this script! I have one power user suggestion. If you use the following Applescript, you can do more than just add items to your inbox:


    on alfred_script(q)
    tell application "OmniFocus"
    	tell default document
    		parse tasks with transport text q
    	end tell
    end tell
    end alfred_script


    This will allow you to add items using the following syntax:


    Action! @Context ::Project #Start #Due $Duration //Note

  14. I find myself always searching on Yelp for good restaurants and cafes. I used the new script filter to pull live results for Yelp searches within Alfred 2. 




    Right now you'll need to manually set your own city within the script filter here:




    If anyone has any suggestions on how to make that flow better for choosing your default city, definitely let me know.


    You can download the Yelp search here

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