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Posts posted by ldebritto

  1. Bug description
    Any snippet I've try to use into any WhatsApp field fails to expand correctly.
    When I type my keyword, in the case of the screenshot ;mgmail
    then it adds the snippet text without deleting the trigger and deletes the last part o the snippet text.
    So, instead of getting email@gmail.com I get ;mgmailemail@gma
    Not related, bur perhaps useful to know: I've only had problems with text expansion in WhatsApp thus far. macOS text replacements work fine there, but Keyboard Maestro macros I use for text replacements produce the same results as Aflred Snippets.



    Alfred 5.5 [2257]

    macOS 14.5

    WhatsApp 24.10.80

  2. On 5/19/2016 at 5:19 PM, danieldiekmeier said:

    Hey Guys! I am the creator of the script, and I just released it as a web app, so people not familiar with Node should have no problem converting their files: http://alfred.danieldiekmeier.de/


    Thanks for your interest! <3


    Hey guys,


    I've jus tried Daniel's tool and got back a html file with an error message on it. Here it is:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined
       at sanitize (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/sanitize-filename/index.js:41:5)
       at module.exports (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/sanitize-filename/index.js:51:16)
       at transformSnippet (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/textexpander-to-alfred3/textexpander-to-alfred3.js:29:15)
       at Array.map (native)
       at textexpander2Alfred (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/textexpander-to-alfred3/textexpander-to-alfred3.js:71:6)
       at /home/danjel/te2a3-server/index.js:43:3
       at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
       at next (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:131:13)
       at Array.<anonymous> (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/multer/lib/make-middleware.js:52:37)
       at listener (/home/danjel/te2a3-server/node_modules/multer/node_modules/on-finished/index.js:169:15)

    Any ideas?

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