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Posts posted by BocciaMan

  1. I have Alfred 4 on a macOS High Sierra system. For some reason it doesn't allow me to use Hyper Key + Q ( ⌘⇧⌥^ + Q ) to trigger any workflow. I thought Bettertouch Tool (BTT) was blocking me from using Q with the hyper key, so I uninstalled BTT completely but still the problem persists. Does anyone have a way for me to discover the problem?

  2. On 4/3/2023 at 9:07 AM, Jules said:

    Ok, now that DarkSky has been borked fubar'd acquired by Apple, how do I get this to work? It keeps trying to call from the DS API. I've also added the OpenWeather key, but it seems to defer to DS. If there's a way to remove the DS call, that would probably work.


    MTIA :)


    I don't know of a way to remove the DS service, but you can choose one of the two other available services. Here is a YouTube video on how to do it. 

  3. I tried following the instructions here:

    On 5/21/2019 at 10:11 AM, kjaymiller said:


    • b - Top Level Bunch Selector
    • b <bunch filename> - Runs the Selected Bunch
    • b edit <bunch filename> - Opens the File in the Default Application
    • b display <bunch filename> - Displays the contents of the Bunch in Large Text
    • b refresh - Refreshes your Bunch List (It does this by opening the app so you will be in the Bunch app once the workflow completes.)


    But they are not executing, any suggestion as to why they are not working?

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