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Posts posted by gglick

  1. Sure. Here are the dictionaries and sources I use most often:


    ALC: http://www.alc.co.jp

    Weblio: http://ejje.weblio.jp

    Glosbe: http://en.glosbe.com/ja/en/


    Searching those three all at once would be awesome, but if there were a way to include the following as well, it would be the proverbial icing:



    Japanese Names: http://kanji.reader.bz

    Google Translate

    Wikipedia (both JP and EN sites)


    If it helps, it's trivial to set all these up as custom web searches in Alfred already. I'm just looking for a way to search them all simultaneously, preferably with the results fed back to Alfred where I can then scroll through and select the one that seems most promising.

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