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Everything posted by fizzicks4lyfe

  1. I'm a new user to Alfred and already it's worth it's 29 pounds sterling for the slick UI in creating workflows to send Music commands to what used to be iTunes. I was hoping there was similar functionality for the now split Podcasts app but this thread (https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/14237-global-hotkey-commands-for-macos-1015-podcasts/) suggests there isn't. You can of course use Alfred to create a hotkey to launch a specific app, but can you use a hotkey to send a specific different hotkey command to a specific app? My thoughts are that I could create a workflow where say cmd-' sends a command to the Podcast app to either execute the Play/Pause functionality or inputs 'space' hotkey in the podcast app to do the same. Does this exist or is this a specific problem with modern Apple design to not implement scripting commands in their newest apps?
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