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Everything posted by AlfOfAlfreds

  1. Hey Vitor, Thank you for getting back to me on this. I will take your tips and change my settings. What I'm trying to do is to create a quick way to view information in a pop-up markdown file. For example: I'm using git on the command line and I forgot what the command line command was for resetting my current working tree. I have a snippet in a document that I want to pull up. Using the Alfred file filter I can browse a directory where I have these files. One of them is called 'git'. I select the file from my alfred promd and get a quick preview of the information in the file.
  2. Hey, I used a small workaround to call Quicklook from the command line using 'Run Script' module and using the following code: query=$1 qlmanage -p $query This creates a small delay but works great. I did a small write-up on how to set it up if anyone is interested at https://blog.benstein.nl/Using-Alfred-and-qlmarkdown/#
  3. Hey, I'm using a very simple Alfred Workflow to list a set of .md files in a directory and I use qlmarkdown and Quick Look to preview these files and het their contant (for context, I'm using these markdown files as cheat sheets to view commonly used commands). 2 short questions: 1. Is there a better way to preview markdown files in Alfred then qlmarkdown? 2. Can I trigger the Quick View in Alfred by selecting the search result? I use `shift` now and I attached the trigger `cmd+y` to be dispached but this does not seem to open the selected file in a preview. An example of the workflow using `shift` to trigger the preview
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