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Everything posted by Xiphias

  1. I think the info.plist is for setting prefix/suffix? Do you know whether it's possible to automatically import (without manual action)? I only found a snippets.db in Application Support/Alfred, but that might not be the snippets store. I'll give it a try. Thank you very much for your support.
  2. Hello, I love Alfred, but I believe that the snippet section needs a little bit work. I find myself duplicating snippets for case sensitivity (e.g. >ty for thank you and >Ty for Thank you). This becomes a bit annoying, so I have three ideas: - Alfred supports this, but that would be a feature suggestion - I create my snippet collections programmatically. I found that the snippet collections can be exported and imported. A snippet file seems to be a ZIP of JSONs. However, I cannot find any specification how these files are organized. In the filename, there seems to be some kind of UUID but it quickly becomes wild guessing. Can anybody tell me? - I create snippet triggers, which is less preferred due to complexity. At least, I know that Dash (for coding) updates its associated Alfred workflow automatically. I know that there are libraries for workflow scripting, but for *creating* the workflows, what are the rules? Thanks so much 🙂 PS: Please note if anybody would like to be informed about any kind of extension that might follow from this thread, i.e. in case I write some kind of snippet creator.
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