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Posts posted by P-D

  1. Thanks for your efforts and comments about merging clipboards, which I have looked into from time to time, without any feasible solution.


    I could not imagine how extremely simple this turned out to be. Due to Alfred's dynamic placeholders and brace expansion in shell script (and not even bothering to save the argument $1 in a new variable), this is the only line in my current workflow, merging the $1 + 1 most recent clipboards (including {clipboard:0} and 'reversed', i.e. in the same order as copied):


    echo '{clipboard:'{$1..0}'}\n'


  2. Isn't the double tap hotkey a fantastic feature?! (Keys on the sides of the keyboard are faster to find than in the interior. Two strokes on the same key is simpler than two different keys, and fundamental to human language development to show voluntary utterances, cf. da-da, pa-pa, ma-ma, a-a, oh-oh and so on.)


    However, sometimes when typing a double tap is fired ‘by mistake’. Is there anyway you can set a specific time interval for the tapping to be considered a ‘double tap’?


    (In my case I have a very useful workflow that opens Drafts’ Capture window with ⇧ double tap, and fills it with OS selection if any, ⌥ double tap the same with the clipboard and ⌘ double tap with pre-filled notes for a meeting or a phone call on the fly. It happens though, that fast typing may trigger those double taps accidently. The benefit is still greater than the harm but it would be even better if there was an easy way to avoid this behavior.)

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