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  1. I now don't find a way to turn off syncing or to control synced features, so I assigned each laptop its own separate folder to sync to. As soon as I did that, the workflow worked correctly without having to reinstall. Does that mean that the workflow caches info on one laptop that then confuses the copies of the same workflow on the other synced laptops? I mean, I'm prepared to do this end run around syncing, but it would be better to sync if possible given Alfred's many settings and options.
  2. I've now installed via the link and assigned the hotkey cmd-ctrl-shift-U. Laptop 1 works normally, but laptop 2 simply doesn't respond at all: nothing in the debugger, no error popup. Going by the modification dates in the workflow folder of the package and the workflow ID, I can see it's been updated on laptop 2 as expected. At this point, it seems we have to conclude that this is one of the cases where iCloud syncing breaks the workflow even if it doesn't break any other of my workflows. I think my best strategy, then, is to stop syncing preferences and maintain my Alfred config by hand on each of my computers. That works for me because, at this point, my Alfred setup is very stable, so I expect I won't miss syncing that much.
  3. I still need more time to get to laptop 3. Quick comment: when I do Reveal in Finder, it simply shows me the file ~/Documents/var/computing/Apple/MacOS/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences. When I inspect into the package, the workflows are not listed by user-friendly names, but I guess I can go by the modification date. For various reasons, I have no option but to use iCloud for syncing. If we determine that iCloud is the culprit, I guess you're saying to stop syncing and just maintain Alfred by hand on the three different computers. Sure, I expect I can make a video.
  4. My ~/Documents folder syncs via iCloud, which includes my ~/Documents/var/computing/Apple/MacOS/Alfred folder. So that means I make the change on laptop 1, which alters the file ~/Documents/var/computing/Apple/MacOS/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences, then that file syncs to laptops 2 and 3, then Alfred on laptops 2 and 3 pick up the change from the newly synced file. Right?
  5. I sync by setting the sync folder in Preferences>Advanced to ~/Documents/var/computing/Apple/MacOS/Alfred on all machines. Syncing then happens automatically, and I don't do anything more. OK, I'll invoke the keyword and check the debugger. Remember that the issue up to now has been that nothing shows in the debugger on the laptops that present the error. I'll post in several hours.
  6. I am using the one (2.0) linked by @Stephen_C per his earlier advice. The path to my preferences file is ~/Documents/var/computing/Apple/MacOS/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences I'm not installing individually and manually on each machine. I install on one machine, then the others sync. I'll do it all again: I'll delete from one machine. After I verify all three machines have synced, I'll install one one laptop from the gallery link instead of my .alfredworkflow file. After I verify that all three machines have synced the new install, I'll test again and post here. That should take about 24 hours because I'll first get all three machines online simultaneously.
  7. OK, I deleted the workflow from laptop 1, then waited until laptops 2 and 3 synced the deletion. Then I double-clicked the workflow on laptop 1, which brought up the same installation dialog as when I drag-and-drop it onto Alfred preferences. I waited until the installation was synced on the other two laptops. Here's the result: laptop 1: doesn't respond at all to the hotkey, but responds correctly to the external trigger laptop 2: Alfred pops up an "Unable to run task" window as a response to the hotkey and also to the external trigger. laptop 3: I'll fill this in later when I return to that location.
  8. I drag and drop the .alfredworkflow file to install it simply because, as far as I know, that's one normal way to install a workflow that's been exported to a .alfredworkflow file. I suppose I could double-click the .alfredworkflow file from the Finder as well to achieve the same result (right?)
  9. That's exactly what I do: I drag and drop it to one machine only, then I wait for the other two machines to sync it. Apologies if I didn't explain that clearly. Doing what you describe is precisely what has led to the present situation of three different behaviors on three different machines.
  10. I've now verified laptop 3 after it synced its Alfred preferences: the workflow functions properly, but only via the Karabiner external trigger. Even though it shows the double-cmd button hotkey is set up correctly, it doesn't respond to it. with nothing showing in the debugger log. To sum up, after deleting, syncing the deletion, adding the workflow, then syncing the add, the workflow behaves in three different ways on three different laptops.
  11. OK, after deleting from all three computers, I added the workflow back to one via dragging-and-dropping. This time, I created a keyword for it: double-tap the command key. I verify the operation on computer 1. The workflow gets synced to computer 2, but when I double-tap cmd, there's no response. Nothing gets listed in the debugger. Computer 3 is on and syncing at a different location. Any suggestions of what to troubleshoot?
  12. I add a workflow by dragging and dropping its .alfredworkflow file onto the workflows list in preferences. When I do that, the cursor turns into a white plus sign on a green disk, so I infer drag-and-drop functionality is supported. After I add back and sync, I'll try triggering the workflow directly from the Alfred bar, then post here. ADDED: I produced the .alfredworkflow file by installing the workflow from the gallery per earlier advice in this thread, modifying it to accept an external trigger, then exporting that to the .alfredworkflow file for archival purposes on my hard drive.
  13. As I responded earlier: None of my MacBooks uses optimized storage. At the time of reading your post, I'd already begun the following experiment: remove the workflow from all laptops, then reinstall it. That means remove it from one, let them all sync, add it to one, let them all sync, then test. At the moment, I've removed it from one and have observed the second delete it automatically via syncing. My third computer is offline in another location. I'll sync it in a few hours, add back the workflow, then see what happens. Unless, of course, you recommend otherwise.
  14. I use the same Karabiner combos on every laptop. Exact same Karabiner file on each as well.
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