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Posts posted by kornel45

  1. Hi @giovanni, thank you very much for your answer. It's really helpful, although I guess it does not completely solve my issue.

    I may use AppleScript or TextMarkers. The first one is pretty time consuming and actually pretty stinky solution. The second one sends all the logic to the Python script, where I would need to parse arguments and depending on multiple arguments decide what to do. Instead, I would imagine tool like Alfred would allow us to create a graph of Script Filters that we just need to specify what query parameter to pass. I bet it does somehow! 


    Before I go with Text Markers, do you have any other ideas?

  2. Hi, I am working on a workflow that will allow to search for anime movies, then if pressed enter instead of list of anime we'll get list of episodes for that certain anime.




    here after I write "naruto" and hit enter, I would like to see something like this below.




    Instead, after hitting enter Alfred closes window (what is expected behaviour).



    Right now, I put all the logic into python script that checks if there is only one anime with a given name, then it should show list of episodes instead of list of available anime movies.

    it seems to be working fine, but minus is that I need to parse a lot of arguments in one script. Instead I would prefer to have a graph with all the possibilities. 


    I am using Script Filter with additional "{query}" parameter to achieve that.

    It's my first workflow, then I can miss something obvious.



    Any ideas?

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