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  1. I wanted to show title and alt text, and use QuickLook for image preview, but I am open to ideas for improvement! I also like the 2x images they have at explainxkcd.com, perhaps the Workflow can download those and serve them with Image View?
  2. alfred-xkcd A browser for xkcd comics If you are an xkcd fan and have ever tried to remember or find a particular comic, you might find this Workflow helpful. Download Usage - Search (default keyword: xkcd or hotkey): list and search xkcd comics. โค๏ธ will denote favorite, โ€ข unread comics. - Favorite (default keyword: xk::favs or hotkey): favorite xkcd comics in grid view. - Random (default keyword: xk::random or hotkey): one random unread xkcd comic. - Recent (default keyword: xk::recent or hotkey): recently viewed xkcd comics in grid view. While in list, random, or favorite view: - โ†ฉ๏ธ show in text view (comic will be marked as read) - โ‡งโ†ฉ๏ธ: copy comic image to clipboard - โ‡ง (QuickLook): QuickLook image (โ‡ง or space to quit). Using the arrow keys you can quickly review multiple comics (will not be marked as read) - ^โ†ฉ๏ธ: toggle favorite status - โŒ˜โ†ฉ๏ธ: open on xkcd.com - โŒฅโ†ฉ๏ธ: open on explainxkcd.com (which has also larger images) Updating - alfred-xkcd will download the titles of new comics based on the number of days specified in the Workflow Configuration (Refresh Rate variable) - refresh can be forced with xk::refresh Feedback ... is welcome!
  3. Glad it's helpful! Please thank your friend who provided the API URL and key. I had not realized Shortcuts could be so sophisticated ... almost like an ugly Alfred! I am in no way an expert, but as a fellow amateur programmer, I can share what works for me: Set a goal (a workflow that does something you need, or a feature you want to add to an existing workflow) โ€“ you will be more motivated to overcome difficulties. For example: you might want to show some particular statistics underneath the player's name in the Fangraphs workflow. Take apart workflows that do related things, from great creators like @vitor, @zeitlings, @pseudometa, @Mr Pennyworth, @deanishe, etc. or anything in the Gallery: change small and big things, break them, fix them etc. If you are stuck: ask chatGPT or similar to explain your own code back to you: you will be surprised by what you learn ๐Ÿ˜‰ ask here! this is a great, welcoming community ask other forums, but provide details and reproducible code Once you have something that works for you, share your code on Github. Why? People will find bugs, give you ideas for improvements, or even contribute to your code. Or, random users might use one of your workflows, and then โ€“ with a 'thank you' โ€“ give you that little puff of dopamine we all need to carry on ๐Ÿ˜… Good luck! I will post this Fangraphs workflow on Github at some point and I will be honored to receive your first pull request!
  4. if you can share that I can try to replicate in Alfred
  5. yes this is using their API which they probably developed over the last decade. I also see there is a python package to fetch the data. What would you like to accomplish? To see a list of players in Alfred, select one and get their stats on the fangraphs website?
  6. @JBigs welcome to the forum! I can help with the migration, but the website has changed in the meantime. For example, the URL syntax suggested earlier (more than 10 years ago!) in the thread (http://www.fangraphs.com/quickplayersearch.aspx?name={query}) no longer works. Do you know how to search for a player via URL?
  7. this is migrated to Alfred 5 and Python3 in case folks are still interested
  8. welcome to the forum @Guilherme. Instead of python3, try /usr/bin/python3
  9. @benlim I am not sure how to help. As I mentioned previously, it has not stopped working for me. Perhaps they blocked more recent IPs?
  10. yes @Send Me the default python has changed, I will add the complete path, in the meantime could you try to add /usr/bin as described in this issue?
  11. @TomBenz these don't look like errors, is there anything else in the debugger?
  12. @Aqil happy to assist, perhaps you can open an issue on github and we can discuss there.
  13. Hi @Aqil happy to help. Has it ever worked? Can you try to force refresh with outlook::refresh?
  14. thanks, good suggestions! Extra spaces or \n don't help. Yes, it is Gmail for iPhone. Pasting works fine in Apple Notes... therefore a slightly better workaround is to paste in Notes first, then copy and paste in Gmail. Thanks!
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