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  1. I'm seeing some icon overlay in Workflows and I have no idea what they mean. Is there a list someplace with meaning? For example System Settings in the attached.
  2. I think this is a bug introduced with the recent update - it was working correctly. However I found that the following works and is probably more efficient on run argv set bundleID to (system attribute "alfred_workflow_bundleid") tell application "Finder" set currentFolder to (POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias)) end tell tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" set configuration "path" to value currentFolder in workflow bundleID end tell end run
  3. I'm trying to get the current folder from Finder and then pass it to a bash script. However the variable has a new line at the end. How do I fix this? (not sure how to show or attache workflow) Apple script (osascript) on run argv tell application "Finder" set currentFolder to (POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias)) end tell end run then I feed it to an "Args and Vars" -> debug -> script debug is then showing the variable I assigned {query} from the apple script as containing a new line at the end of the path for example "/Applications/ " instead of "/Applications/"
  4. Yes prefer snippets. In workflows? No idea how I would do that - can you point me in the right direction to investigate please?
  5. It would be great if the snippit collection affix and suffix are more flexible. At the moment they are specific specified characters. Instead make them a regex expression. For example Suffix = regex \d would trigger the keyword only when followed by any digit (great for currency symbols) Suffix = regex \p{P}\p{Z}\r\t would trigger on any delimiter (in any language) This would be a very powerful feature.
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