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Posts posted by Scooter

  1. Hello. I'm trying to open Zoom meeting URL that is in my iCalendar using 'Run Script' in Workflow. I am using ical-buddy for the purpose.

    I wrote the code below to select my "School" calendar, get some URL in it (which is either Zoom or Discord in my case so apologies for a lazy regex), and open it with Chrome.

    url=$(icalbuddy -ic 'School' eventsToday | egrep -o 'https:\/\/.*') && open -a "Google Chrome" $url

    If I paste this straight to terminal, it works perfectly. However, once I put this in 'Run Script' object in the Workflow that I am working on, it would not open the desired link.

    If I hard-code URL like below, it would open the link, so I suppose it is the problem with ical-buddy and grepping the link.

    url='https://www.google.com' && open -a "Google Chrome" $url

    I would really appreciate any insight.


    Thank you. 


    P.S. I have /bin/zsh as Language

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