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  1. > I’d say the fault for the issue lies squarely with Emacs for not respecting basic macOS platform standards. Well, you probably don't know much about Emacs. It's definitely Alfred's fault. As I mentioned earlier, the Dash support nicely.
  2. Thank you, but I use the key as "cua-scroll-down" as default.
  3. Yes, same as Alfred. But it use "^-y" instead of "⌘V" on Emacs.
  4. Thank you for your reply. I've found the reason. It is because that Alfred doesn't care about the Emacs paste key is not ⌘V. Dash cares about that and I assumed Alfred also would do so, but it doesn't. 😢
  5. Snippets Auto Expansion doesn't work on Emacs.app (macOS). Are there any workarounds? macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Emacs 27.2 Screenshot: https://gyazo.com/d0e02aa9ad31df2d95cb05d41b599978
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