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bilbotron's Achievements

Helping Hand

Helping Hand (3/5)



  1. That's brilliant! I've always wondered why they were so slow to respond. Thanks for your help
  2. Thanks very much for this! I'm not sure what you mean by "secondary-clicking a shortcut recorder and setting the trigger behavior to pass through modifier keys.", though. Could you give an example, please?
  3. Hello, I'm really new to Alfred and used to use Quicksilver. I had a script that would allow me to apply a colour label to files in finder, but cannot get it to work properly in Alfred. Does anyone have a solution they use? Many thanks, Will Here is the script I use at the moment: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Finder" set thisItem to selection as alias if label index of thisItem = 0 then set the label index of thisItem to 2 -- 2 = red else set label index of thisItem to 0 -- 0 = no label end if end tell end alfred_script
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