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Posts posted by JakeS

  1. Running it in debugger in Xcode now.  Still trying to find my way around this (I've been more focused on .net and javascript), but the console here does give the following suspicious info:


    2021-05-28 15:23:42.790197-0500 AlfredGifBrowser[21138:4704770] [ScriptFilterServer.swift:34 respond(with:)] Responded to alfred: ScriptFilterResponse(items: [Alfred.ScriptFilterResponse.Item(arg: "dummy", uid: nil, title: "Select with arrow keys, drag-n-drop with mouse", subtitle: Optional("[↩: search again] [⌘: copy GIF] [⌥: copy URL]"), valid: nil, match: nil, autocomplete: nil, quicklookurl: nil, type: nil, text: nil, icon: nil, mods: nil)])
    2021-05-28 15:23:55.640738-0500 AlfredGifBrowser[21138:4704770] Metal API Validation Enabled
    2021-05-28 15:23:55.683921-0500 AlfredGifBrowser[21138:4704770] fopen failed for data file: errno = 2 (No such file or directory)
    2021-05-28 15:23:55.683950-0500 AlfredGifBrowser[21138:4704770] Errors found! Invalidating cache...
    2021-05-28 15:23:55.740299-0500 AlfredGifBrowser[21138:4704770] +[MTLIOAccelDevice registerDevices]: Zero Metal services found


    I've put some relevant info in a github issue so we can continue the conversation either here or there.

  2. 48 minutes ago, Mr Pennyworth said:



    P.S. can you go through the whole log and search for "error", "Error", "ERROR"?
    Just want to make sure an error isn't buried there somewhere!

    Did find this while digging through the system.log:


    May 28 14:21:29 Jakes-MacBook-Pro AlfredGifBrowser[9667]: getattrlist failed for /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources//GLRendererFloat.bundle/GLRendererFloat: #2: No such file or directory

    Otherwise no other errors I can find so far.  That .bundle folder exists, but is empty.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Mr Pennyworth said:

    Not having the logs sucks :(

    Well that shows it IS finding lots of matching images, cataloging them, and caching them.


    alfred: ScriptFilterResponse(items: [Alfred.ScriptFilterResponse.Item(arg: "dummy", uid: nil, title: "Select with arrow keys, drag-n-drop with mouse", subtitle: Optional("[↩: search again] [⌘: copy GIF] [⌥: copy URL]"), valid: nil, match: nil, autocomplete: nil, quicklookurl: nil, type: nil, text: nil, icon: nil, mods: nil)])
    2021-05-28 13:30:12.264 AlfredGifBrowser[7397:4565081] [WebViewCache.swift:79 startCacheDirWatcher()] Adding to cache due to FS change: 1B76D167EC3A8E056B9CE1040662B00BE99E1229)
    2021-05-28 13:30:12.264 AlfredGifBrowser[7397:4565081] [WebViewCache.swift:38 addToDict(recordFileURL:)] Web URL in cache: https://c.tenor.com/7I9nkd071vYAAAAM/food-coma-food.gif
    2021-05-28 13:30:12.264 AlfredGifBrowser[7397:4565081] [WebViewCache.swift:44 addToDict(recordFileURL:)] Cache dict size: 385


    Lots more results like these (after the line that sets the Alfred response), but no error or indication of why the view itself isn't showing.

  4. 6 hours ago, Mr Pennyworth said:

    @Cyberskier @JakeS could you try the latest release and see if works on M1 macs?

    (I don't have access to an M1 mac)


    I'm afraid it still doesn't show actual results for me.


    `/tmp/alfred-gif-search.log` has no new entries though, and has not been touched since in the last two days, so there's not a lot of feedback to give.


    When searching, it does switch the label to say "select with arrow keys..." etc.


    If there's somewhere else I can look for logs or help troubleshoot I'm happy to.  I also have Xcode.  Never worked with Swift myself, but how hard can it be? :)

  5. I'm not getting any query results so far.  When I look in /tmp/alfred-gif-search.log I see this:


    Responded to alfred from cache
    URLSearchParams { 'query' => 'stuff' }
    response.setHeader is not a function
    /Users/jakes/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/mr.pennyworth.gif/stuff-gifs.html already cached


    I am running node v16.0, installed via homebrew.  Any ideas what's wrong?

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