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Posts posted by irish_sonas

  1. Hi there,


    I am working on the following workflow and would like to enhance it:




    Currently workflow will copy the details about IP address into the clipboard when pressing Enter. I would like to enhance the workflow and make it open a URL in the browser when holding Cmd and pressing Enter. The URL to open is easily built and would look like this: https://www.abuseipdb.com/check/


    I am not sure how to approach it and would appreciate help and guidance into the right direction.


    Thank you,



  2. Hi folks,


    I am writing a workflow to defang URLs. I use the following binary:




    I added this binary to the workflow folder, +x it and created Run / External Script (tried both approaches). I get no output when running the binary using the workflow. Binary works fine in the terminal though. I am not posting screenshot of broken workflow as requested.


    The workflow can be downloaded from here: https://we.tl/t-De7Zu5H3S5


    I have tried different approaches: external script, run script, with argv and query. Hope to find some help in this forum :)


    Thank you!

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