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Everything posted by phaistonian

  1. Sorry, I posted this in a rush. This (the one in attachment) is the issue I am facing on OSX 12. This is because, in this scenario, php is removed from the OSX. The problem is that I can not `ln -s` php binary to "/usr/bin" because the volume is "read-only" (as of Catalina, I think). So, to recap, the issue, when it comes to Alfred, is that we can not change the path of php (or whatever else is missing) to custom one. I hope this brouht some clarity 🙂
  2. Any idea / way on how to temp/resolve this issue until a new Alfred version comes up? My main issue has to be that `/usr/bin` is read-only and so passing a symbolic link to, say, is not doable.
  3. I guess the topic title does it, in any case, here's a snap to illustrate my point. http://d.pr/i/oEAg ps: To be honest, I am sure there's a good reason this has not be been implemented yet - it just seems so obvious
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