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Everything posted by Laluna

  1. Hi guys, I just set up a new workflow that will allow me to make calls directly from Alfred. I've set it up so that a script ends the workflow by click on the "call" button on the notification that pops up when trying do to do a call. Last night I got everything to work perfectly with the following in the ending: on alfred_script(q) delay 0.5 tell application "System Events" to tell process "Notification Centre" click button 1 of group 1 of UI element 1 of scroll area 1 of window 1 end tell end alfred_script However today it's not working?! I've checked if the code is good trough automator and does what it is supposed to. What can might have happened? Do you guys think it might be any type of access/privacy problem for Alfred? Has anyone stumbled on this before? // PRS
  2. Hi everyone, I want to create a workflow that copies the current incoming call and then checks it against several different websites here in Sweden. I've been reading for a whole day now on how to copy notification information and try to set a value on it. However I'm dumb and can not seem to figure it out. I'm fairly new to scripting and trying to understand workflows, but I already see that Alfred has so much potential, especially when using powerpack and scripts. I would be so happy if i got help from someone that understands applescript a bit better so it actually copies the right information (the number of the unknown incoming call that's in the notification centre). And how i can take that value and use against search services trough workflow (i have already set up a flow where i can manually enter the number but would to improve it). I have started to test if i actually copy the right information from the notification centre by using automator, but i don't really know how to test it and check the value: tell application "System Events" set Nummer to get value of static text of scroll area 1 of window 1 of process "NotificationCenter" end tell Thereafter I'm curious about how i can the take the variable information and use it as input information for a search (on a pre-set website) What would you guys think is the best idea? If anyone would be interested in helping me with this so i can tro to release it here during my vacation, i would be truly grateful // PRS
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