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    urandom got a reaction from jaywang in 1Password alternative action "reveal in 1Password"   
    1Password integration is already awesome, but it would be even better if we could open the logins in 1Password instead of opening the Webpage.
    Like search with "1p my_login". Then have an alternative action to bring up 1Password mini with the same query.
    Maybe even extend searches for other items as well, like Favorites, Credit Cards etc.
    This script could be feeded with the query
    osascript -e 'open location "x-onepassword-helper://search/{query}"'
  2. Like
    urandom got a reaction from shadowfax1 in 1Password alternative action "reveal in 1Password"   
    1Password integration is already awesome, but it would be even better if we could open the logins in 1Password instead of opening the Webpage.
    Like search with "1p my_login". Then have an alternative action to bring up 1Password mini with the same query.
    Maybe even extend searches for other items as well, like Favorites, Credit Cards etc.
    This script could be feeded with the query
    osascript -e 'open location "x-onepassword-helper://search/{query}"'
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