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Posts posted by brianw

  1. First off--I'm a n00b with Alfred. I have read the help topics and googled, but am still at a loss, so I apologize in advance if I am missing something simple.


    But I am unable to see any file actions when I search in Alfred. For example, I downloaded the workflow offered here (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/783-favorite-folders/) to be able to create a list of favorite folders. The workflow is imported and the very first action is a 'File Action' to 'Add to Favorites'. But when I search on a folder that I want to add to my Favorites list, I don't see any file actions listed like I understand that I should according to the screenshot in this help topic (http://support.alfredapp.com/workflows:config:triggers-file-action). As I understand it, I should have a list of file actions at the bottom of the window that allow me, in this case, to add one of the folders in my search result to my list of Favorites. A screenshot of what I am seeing instead is pasted below. If anyone could please help point me in the right direction, I would be most appreciative! Thank you!






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