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Posts posted by citelao

  1. 8 hours ago, deanishe said:


    That’s odd. Have you changed your $PATH in launchd? Normally, /usr/local/bin isn’t on your path in Alfred.


    I also wonder why it was segfaulting. That’s really not supposed to happen.


    Anyhow, glad it’s working


    Thanks for your help!


    10 hours ago, Tim H said:

    Duh, you're right.  Put in the absolute path to the system PHP ('/usr/bin/php') and it works again.  Was using the Homebrew version based on the path.




    I'm glad you fixed it, too!

  2. On 9/7/2017 at 3:51 PM, dshen said:

    I have Alfred 2. It's not compatible?


    I believe https://github.com/citelao/Spotify-for-Alfred/releases/tag/v0.13 was the last Alfred 2-compatible release; I do not know if it still works. It is very hard to keep a working Alfred 2 version :(.


    On 1/18/2018 at 6:30 AM, BrianBarr said:

    I have no idea how hard these things will be but here are the two things that would make this AWEOMSE!

    • Save song to library (concern: either include notif or make sure that it's not just a binary on/off command to prevent unsaving songs you forgot you saved)
    • Add to playlist (a default playlist would minimally suffice, select playlist as second command would be EPIC)
    • Add to queue


    I'd love to do those things! Take a look at https://github.com/citelao/Spotify-for-Alfred/issues and add some feature requests if you'd like!


    On 2/27/2018 at 12:17 AM, samvandersteen said:

    Hi Citelao,


    Little UX feedback thingy. The hoover color is the same as the icon. Sometimes I just want to select a number, instead it opens the album or artist page. Maybe the hoover a shade darker or lighter so the icon has enough contrast?


    Thanks buddy!



    Screen Shot 2018-02-27 at 9.15.25 AM.png


    Ugh, I know! Alfred changed their default theme on me, I think... I've worked around it by using the MacOS theme, but you're right; I should try to change them. See https://github.com/citelao/Spotify-for-Alfred/issues/118.

  3. 16 minutes ago, lunatic.frank said:



    Your idea looks fantastic!


    However, after following all your steps, the music cannot play. Details go like this: I choose the song, and press "enter", but it just gives me no response and also the Alfred window disappears. I have not installed the Spotify Application, but I do not think it matters?


    Wish your reply,




    It controls the Spotify app, just like the iTunes mini player, so you'll need to install the app for anything to work :D.


    There's a beta API for controlling players remotely, if you have premium, which I can look into, but there are a lot of pain points I'd have to fix before that would work. So just Spotify app for now :P

  4. 8 hours ago, samvandersteen said:

    Hi Citelao,


    First of all, love this workflow. Very nice. Unfortunately it broke down all of the sudden. Check the search result in the screenshot I attached. I can't read a line of code so I'm not able to fix this problem myself. Please help me out to enjoy your workflow again. Thanks!


    Yours, Sam. 

    Schermafbeelding 2017-05-31 om 10.09.05.png



    Thanks for the kind words, Sam!


    Assuming you're running the latest version, which is v0.13.2.1 as of 31 May 2017, try logging in again:


    1. Type `s` from the main screen to open the settings menu
    2. Select "Login again to my Spotify application" and follow the remaining instructions in the web browser that opens. 


    If that doesn't work, please send me the log file that appears when the error hits (the third option on the error page will open the folder that stores these logs). Good luck!

  5. Hi, 


    Thx a lot for developing spotifious.


    I just installed it in el capitan on alfred 3.0.2 with powerpack activated and spotify


    I can use the play and pause part of the workflow, but whenever I try to find something I get the following error.

    # Error Log # 
    ## Error Info ## 
    fetch() failed; error code: 400
    Line 29, /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/bunker/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F07C15B8-5DAB-4518-BD4D-22D451DEBBB0/src/citelao/OhAlfred/HTTP/Fetcher.php
    ## Symbols ## 
        [message] => fetch() failed; error code: 400
        [vars] => 
        [0] => Array
                [file] => /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/bunker/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F07C15B8-5DAB-4518-BD4D-22D451DEBBB0/src/citelao/OhAlfred/HTTP/JsonFetcher.php
                [line] => 15
                [function] => run
                [class] => OhAlfred\HTTP\Fetcher
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
        [1] => Array
                [file] => /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/bunker/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F07C15B8-5DAB-4518-BD4D-22D451DEBBB0/src/citelao/Spotifious/Menus/Search.php
                [line] => 29
                [function] => run
                [class] => OhAlfred\HTTP\JsonFetcher
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
        [2] => Array
                [file] => /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/bunker/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F07C15B8-5DAB-4518-BD4D-22D451DEBBB0/src/citelao/Spotifious/Spotifious.php
                [line] => 129
                [function] => __construct
                [class] => Spotifious\Menus\Search
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => Dorje
        [3] => Array
                [file] => /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/bunker/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.F07C15B8-5DAB-4518-BD4D-22D451DEBBB0/main.php
                [line] => 23
                [function] => run
                [class] => Spotifious\Spotifious
                [type] => ->
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => Dorje

    Any suggestions what the problem might be?


    That's weird—error 400 is "bad request," but you're just searching for "Dorje."


    Are you still getting the error?

  6. Has an error every time I try it...


    [2016-06-04 18:48:08][sTDERR: input.scriptfilter] Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in /Users/paularmitage/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.498502BD-22F9-4AC4-8116-8CF758F79A9F/src/citelao/OhAlfred/OhAlfred.php on line 56

    Warning: fopen(/Users/paularmitage/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/com.citelao.spotifious/2016-06-04 01-06-08 Spotifious.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/paularmitage/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.498502BD-22F9-4AC4-8116-8CF758F79A9F/src/citelao/OhAlfred/OhAlfred.php on line 237

    Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /Users/paularmitage/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.498502BD-22F9-4AC4-8116-8CF758F79A9F/src/citelao/OhAlfred/OhAlfred.php on line 238

    Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /Users/paularmitage/Library/Application Support/Alfred 3/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.498502BD-22F9-4AC4-8116-8CF758F79A9F/src/citelao/OhAlfred/OhAlfred.php on line 239


    Super idea though!


    I will fix this bug as soon as I can, but for now you can fix it on your own by following the instructions on this bug.


    And thanks :)

  7. Can someone please help me with this?

    I've been trying to search my music on Spotifious and the only results seem to be the track that is currently playing.

    When ever I type in a query it simply stays on the playing track and then returns this error: "Undefinable Variable: url"



    How can this be fixed?




    Yeesh... Can you try the development build?

  8. Hi, ever since I updated to the latest version of Spotify, Spotifious seems to have stopped working. While I can search for things fine, it does not detect songs playing and does not change songs. Is this a known problem with the update or is this a problem with just me?


    Yeah, it's a bug in the new version.




    You can workaround part of it by editing the info.plist in Spotifious.app/Contents like the solution above says, but "play track" is broken, so you can't queue songs from Spotifious. You can still get player info and play/pause/next/prev though.


    EDIT: Oh, and Vdebs chimed in. Yeah, reverting to 0.9 will also fix it. Thanks!

  9. Hello, I was wondering if this awesome plugin could be expanded for Alfred Remote? I think that would be a great direction for it.


    Yes! That should be out later today. Watch this page for updates.


    Also, (sorry to be a pain) Is there a way to use this script to action playlists?


    I have a number (48 to be exact) of playlists that I tend to go to that have specific sets of music, I would love to be able to set it up to just start typing the name of the playlist and start playing that list. 


    Also yes! That is going to take a bit longer, but I'm starting work on playlist search and modification, starring stuff, queuing, and more.


    I'll post again here once I've finished everything for Alfred remote.

  10. Hi, thanks for your reply.


    I was going through all of the things that you'd asked me to do and nothing was working - including trying to run the AppleScript for the current track -, until I ran the activate Spotify code in AppleScript. It came up with an error but opened Spotify anyway. After that, everything's been working fine - all of the AppleScript works perfectly without error, and Spotifious works fine!


    Thanks for your help!


    I managed to duplicate your error and fixed it— my notification plugin does not like non-alphanumeric starting characters, so albums that started with parentheses or weird characters would break it.


    v0.11 is now out! You can get it here.

  11. Hey Ben, 


    I tried the dev version and it appears to work correctly. 


    I have a question: does Spotifious support notifications on song change? I get a notification when I use the hotkeys from the dev version but not on 'normal' progression within songs. If so, how do I activate it? If not, is it part of the roadmap? 



    I'm considering including this project into Spotifious. It is not on the roadmap now, as it isn't really part of any workflow-related things and would need a helper application.

  12. Hi, thanks for your reply.


    I was going through all of the things that you'd asked me to do and nothing was working - including trying to run the AppleScript for the current track -, until I ran the activate Spotify code in AppleScript. It came up with an error but opened Spotify anyway. After that, everything's been working fine - all of the AppleScript works perfectly without error, and Spotifious works fine!


    Thanks for your help!


    Haha, I'm glad it worked out. Applescript is weird. Sorry it took so long to fix!


    Really amazing plugin (extension), great work!


    Just wondering if there's any way to search for and within your own playlists?

    Also, are the next/previous commands implemented yet? That's actually the thing I use most. Right now I just have a separate workflow for that ;)


    Thank you so much! Actually, I have just the thing for you. Here's the dev version. Download it, bind your hotkeys, and it should be exactly what you want! 


    I'm delaying publishing it to make sure everything works with Gatekeeper and the like. In fact, if you get it working with no problem, I'll publish it if you let me know.

  13. Yeah, I've tried restarting Spotify, Alfred and my computer plenty of times, and the issue hasn't gone away since I originally posted.


    Weird. I have a number of things to try, then:


    • If you go to the Workflows pane, select my workflow, and double-click the "spotifious" script filter, you should see instructions in the script field about how to debug unsolveable issues. Could you send me the file it generates?
    • You might want to give the dev version of Spotifious a try, as well. It's available here.
    • Try seeing if somethings messed up with your Applescript: open Script Editor (it's in Utilities) and run the code below. It should give, as a result, the name of the current Spotify track.


    Let me know what you get!


    I've also created a GitHub issue for this, if you'd like to continue debug there.


    Current track:

    tell application "Spotify"
    	name of current track
    end tell

    Activate Spotify:

    tell application "Spotify"
    end tell
  14. I'm having some problems with Spotifious at the moment. It was working great when I installed it, but it suddenly stopped working and I don't think I did anything that might have affected it. Searching things works fine, but the workflow doesn't open Spotify, I can't see what's playing and selecting songs doesn't open Spotify.


    I'm using the latest version of Spotify and the latest version of Alfred on OS X Yosemite.


    Do you know what might be wrong?


    I had that happen at one point— it kinda just went away. Have you tried restarting Spotify, Alfred, or your computer?


    I can rewrite some code, but I don't know what good it'll do because I cannot duplicate your issue.

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