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Posts posted by joseb

  1. Quote

    Why do you want your clipboard to act as your second brain? Do you have any other filing system? If I wanted to recall something 3 months on it'd be stored in Apple Notes. Shorter than that would be a task in Trello.

    I don't. I use Roam as my second brain. I 100% agree that this is a first world problem. 😆 🤷🏽‍♂️  But then again isn't that the point Alfred? To improve workflow? Asking "Why don't you just switch to Apple notes?" is like asking "Why don't you just open the /Applications folder and double click on the app you want to open, instead of using Alfred?"


    The clipboard workflow gives us a unique workflow which I find very valuable because I can quickly access snippets without having switch contexts or define/name a snippet. I don't have to plan for reuse (because often I don't know that i'll need to reuse until I do). That's the whole point. All the arguments here about other ways to accomplish the same time are all completely valid. They're also completely besides the point. :)



  2. Sorry for spamming everyone.. but I just wanna bump this thread to see if anyone's figured out a way around this limitation? I see the case the developers are making: "Let's save people from themselves." However, there has to be a middle ground. 3 months seems very low and arbitrary. This is especially true for the more pro power users.


    There's so many potential options in between. For example:

    - Warn users about the performance risk if query takes more than X seconds (''Looks slow.. maybe it's because your clipboard history is really huge. Click here to purge.")

    - Change the unit from time (3months) to something like space (2gb max)

    - etc etc.


    I'm 1000% certain my system can handle way more than 3months of history (sorry for the humble brag - just got my M1 Max 🤓)


    Would love some iteration here.

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