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Posts posted by dhahn

  1. On 12/7/2021 at 11:29 AM, blacs30 said:


    Thanks for reporting the issue here (https://github.com/blacs30/bitwarden-alfred-workflow/ would be also a good place alternatively).

    Could you please do the following 2 things and let me know the result of it:

    1. In the keychain access app can you please search for items which have this name "com.lisowski-development.alfred.bitwarden - the result should be 2, one with account name token and the other encryptPassword

    2. could you please try to login in the terminal to bitwarden via the bitwarden cli to verify that this works.


    I haven't tested this workflow with macOS 12 yet. If others have good or bad experience with this workflow on macOS 12 it would be great to know.


    I found only 1 entry. Is there a way to completely uninstall and and try again fresh?





    Having trouble with Macbook Pro 2021 (M1) with Mac OS X Monterey with latest updates.

    I can successfully log in by using `.bitauth login`, but even after a successful login (Mac Notification window will show up saying "Bitwarden v2. Logged in"), everytime I enter ".bw", it shortly tries to sync data but will ask me to login again.

    I have done
    - brew install bitwarden-cli
    - brew update

    - brew upgrade

    - softwareupdate --all --install --force
    - installed xcode

    - added "alfred 4" under Security & Privacy > Privacy > Developer Tools, as well as Accessibility
    - .bitconfig workflow:update

    - Tried various 2FA methods by changing 2FA_MODE from 0 to 1~4, but Email or Titan Security Key didn't work. After several login attempts, and digging for troubleshootings, I've given up.


    Not sure whatelse to try. Screencasting here - https://www.loom.com/share/a262addab47d46a9b968b55c39629660

    Any suggestions?


    [13:53:37.243] Logging Started...

    [13:53:46.189] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'login'

    [13:53:46.325] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv 'login' finished

    [13:53:46.326] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:46 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:46 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:true, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"login", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:46 main.go:145: args=[]string{"-auth", "--", "login"} => []string{"login"}

    13:53:46 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:46 cli.go:305: filtering auth config "login" ...

    13:53:46 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:46 workflow.go:405: ------------------ 16.034792ms -------------------

    [13:53:46.345] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {



      "items": [


          "title": "Login to Bitwarden",

          "subtitle": "↩ or ⇥ to login now",

          "uid": "login",

          "valid": true,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/on.png"


          "variables": {

            "action": "-login",

            "email": "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

            "mapsfamode": "Authenticator-app",

            "sfamode": "0",

            "type": "login"





    [13:53:49.739] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'

    [13:53:49.940] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'

    [13:53:49.953] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished

    [13:53:49.955] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:49 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:49 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:49 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:53:49 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:49 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:53:49 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:49 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:53:49 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:53:49 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:53:49 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 874.416µs -------------------

    [13:53:49.956] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "1"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading.png"





    [13:53:50.252] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:53:50.276] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:53:50.277] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:50 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:50 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:50 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:53:50 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:50 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:53:50 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:50 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:53:50 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:53:50 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:53:50 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 1.463458ms -------------------

    [13:53:50.279] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "2"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-15.png"





    [13:53:50.582] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:53:50.664] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:53:50.666] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:50 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:50 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:50 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:53:50 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:50 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:53:50 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:50 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:53:50 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:53:50 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:53:50 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 2.994792ms -------------------

    [13:53:50.668] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "0"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-30.png"





    [13:53:50.962] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:53:51.037] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:53:51.038] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:50 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:50 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:50 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:53:50 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:50 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:53:50 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:50 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:53:50 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:53:50 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:53:50 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 812.25µs --------------------

    [13:53:51.042] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "1"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading.png"





    [13:53:51.336] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:53:51.412] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:53:51.418] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:51 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:51 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:51 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:53:51 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:51 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:53:51 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:51 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:53:51 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:53:51 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:53:51 workflow.go:405: --------------------- 921µs ---------------------

    [13:53:51.419] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "2"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-15.png"





    [13:53:51.711] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:53:51.787] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:53:51.791] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:51 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:51 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:51 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:53:51 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:51 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:53:51 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:51 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:53:51 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:53:51 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:53:51 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 884.042µs -------------------

    [13:53:51.793] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "0"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-30.png"





    [13:53:51.954] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'login'

    [13:53:52.038] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv 'login' finished

    [13:53:52.044] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:53:51 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:53:51 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:true, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"login", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:53:51 main.go:145: args=[]string{"-auth", "--", "login"} => []string{"login"}

    13:53:51 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:53:51 cli.go:305: filtering auth config "login" ...

    13:53:51 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:53:51 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 2.123834ms -------------------

    [13:53:52.045] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {



      "items": [


          "title": "Login to Bitwarden",

          "subtitle": "↩ or ⇥ to login now",

          "uid": "login",

          "valid": true,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/on.png"


          "variables": {

            "action": "-login",

            "email": "{email@email.com}",

            "mapsfamode": "Authenticator-app",

            "sfamode": "0",

            "type": "login"





    [13:53:54.741] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Processing complete

    [13:53:54.747] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Passing output '' to Conditional

    [13:53:54.747] Bitwarden v2[Conditional] Processing complete

    [13:53:54.748] Bitwarden v2[Conditional] Passing output '' to Run Script

    [13:54:07.538] Bitwarden v2[Run Script] Processing complete

    [13:54:07.545] Bitwarden v2[Run Script] Passing output 'Logged in.

    ' to Post Notification

    [13:54:15.030] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'login'

    [13:54:15.134] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv 'login' finished

    [13:54:15.143] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:15 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:15 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:true, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"login", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:15 main.go:145: args=[]string{"-auth", "--", "login"} => []string{"login"}

    13:54:15 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:15 cli.go:305: filtering auth config "login" ...

    13:54:15 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:15 workflow.go:405: ------------------ 10.711875ms -------------------

    [13:54:15.145] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {



      "items": [


          "title": "Login to Bitwarden",

          "subtitle": "↩ or ⇥ to login now",

          "uid": "login",

          "valid": true,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/on.png"


          "variables": {

            "action": "-login",

            "email": "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

            "mapsfamode": "Authenticator-app",

            "sfamode": "0",

            "type": "login"





    [13:54:17.951] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'

    [13:54:18.133] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'

    [13:54:18.151] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished

    [13:54:18.153] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:18 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:18 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:18 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:54:18 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:18 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:54:18 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:18 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:54:18 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:54:18 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:54:18 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 868.791µs -------------------

    [13:54:18.156] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "1"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading.png"





    [13:54:18.455] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:54:18.532] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:54:18.538] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:18 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:18 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:18 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:54:18 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:18 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:54:18 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:18 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:54:18 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:54:18 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:54:18 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 804.792µs -------------------

    [13:54:18.539] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "2"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-15.png"





    [13:54:18.837] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:54:18.854] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:54:18.858] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:18 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:18 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:18 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:54:18 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:18 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:54:18 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:18 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:54:18 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:54:18 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:54:18 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 1.003167ms -------------------

    [13:54:18.860] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "0"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-30.png"





    [13:54:19.154] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:54:19.165] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:54:19.168] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:19 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:19 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:19 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:54:19 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{email@email.com}",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:19 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:54:19 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:19 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:54:19 icons.go:79: progress: current=0, next=1

    13:54:19 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:54:19 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 805.583µs -------------------

    [13:54:19.170] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "1"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading.png"





    [13:54:19.465] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:54:19.542] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:54:19.547] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:19 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:19 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:19 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:54:19 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:19 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:54:19 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:19 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:54:19 icons.go:79: progress: current=1, next=2

    13:54:19 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:54:19 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 915.666µs -------------------

    [13:54:19.548] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "2"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-15.png"





    [13:54:19.847] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

    [13:54:19.932] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv '' finished

    [13:54:19.939] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:19 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:19 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:19 main.go:145: args=[]string{} => []string{}

    13:54:19 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:19 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:54:19 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:19 cli.go:560: Sync job already running.

    13:54:19 icons.go:79: progress: current=2, next=0

    13:54:19 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.

    13:54:19 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 951.709µs -------------------

    [13:54:19.940] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {


        "RELOAD_PROGRESS": "0"


      "rerun": 0.3,

      "items": [


          "title": "Syncing Bitwarden secrets…",

          "valid": false,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/loading-30.png"





    [13:54:20.155] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'login'

    [13:54:20.170] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] Script with argv 'login' finished

    [13:54:20.175] STDERR: Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] 🍺

    13:54:20 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.0 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------

    13:54:20 main.go:143: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:true, Sfa:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:false, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"login", Attachment:"", Output:""}

    13:54:20 main.go:145: args=[]string{"-auth", "--", "login"} => []string{"login"}

    13:54:20 main.go:146: (main.config) {

    AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,

    AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,

    BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=10) ".bitconfig",

    BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=8) ".bitauth",

    BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",

    BwfKeyword: (string) (len=5) ".bitf",

    BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",

    BwDataPath: (string) "",

    Debug: (bool) false,

    Email: (string) (len=17) "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

    EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,

    IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,

    IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,

    IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,

    MaxResults: (int) 1000,

    Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",

    Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",

    Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",

    Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",

    Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",

    Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",

    Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",

    Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",

    NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",

    OutputFolder: (string) (len=21) "/Users/mba/Downloads/",

    Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",

    ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,

    Server: (string) "",

    Sfa: (bool) true,

    SfaMode: (int) 0,

    SyncCacheAge: (int) 10080,

    SyncMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 168h0m0s,

    TitleWithUser: (bool) true,

    TitleWithUrls: (bool) true


    13:54:20 cli.go:305: filtering auth config "login" ...

    13:54:20 feedback.go:509: Sent 1 result(s) to Alfred

    13:54:20 workflow.go:405: ------------------- 2.275834ms -------------------

    [13:54:20.177] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {

      "variables": {



      "items": [


          "title": "Login to Bitwarden",

          "subtitle": "↩ or ⇥ to login now",

          "uid": "login",

          "valid": true,

          "icon": {

            "path": "icons/on.png"


          "variables": {

            "action": "-login",

            "email": "{MASKED}@gmail.com",

            "mapsfamode": "Authenticator-app",

            "sfamode": "0",

            "type": "login"





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