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  1. Don't worry Vitor, thanks for your helps I'll figure it out myself 👍 I know I can't do any of this without the PowerPack my question is whether there were example workflows of a similar thing I'll do more digging myself ta
  2. Hi Vitor, Thanks for the reply 👍 I guess I could do this with a bash script thinking about it but was more thinking along the lines of when using my VM in a terminal session be cool to bring up Alfred to run the command(s) with a shortcut just parsing it the IP of the machine (via an argument) I'd like to scan for example. Maybe if I want to run multiple commands it could open a couple of separate terminal sessions to so this simultaneously all within my Kali VM.. How would I go about doing this, are there any example workflows I can take a look at to get me started? Cheers BoB
  3. Hi All, Just installed Alfred after using Spotlight for years and well impressed so far... and I haven't even paid for the PowerPack yet I've been watching multiple YT videos on what Alfred can do and seen some of the workflows I cant wait to start using in depth... One thing I was wondering is ... I tend to do a lot of CTF's using a Kali VM on UTM and always struggle with the commands and syntax. Is there a way with workflows (or other means) of having my, lets say top 10 commands with a {query} argument and it paste or execute that command into my open terminal while I'm in my VM? ie. a hot key or <key word> that triggers either the following - nmap -sC -sV {query} ping {query} maybe something really easy or super complex but happy to have a play if pointed in the right direction.. Thanks in advance! BoB
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