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Posts posted by glgray

  1. I have Windows 11 installed via Parallels and I would like Alfred not to show files on the volume associated with that installation when searching. The installation is in




    For example, I often invoke Firefox via Alfred and I sometimes accidentally select the Firefox I have installed in Windows and the next thing you know, Parallels has fired up Windows 11. I have missed something obvious, but I have poked around in the Alfred prefs and I don’t see a way to do that. Can someone help add a setting to exclude those files?


    Thank you!

  2. The built-in list of units is here: https://github.com/hgrecco/pint/blob/master/pint/default_en.txt. My additions are here: https://github.com/jason0x43/jc-units/blob/master/unit_defs.txt. I just added "C" and "F" for temperature (different names) and a definition for hectare (just for fun).


    The unit system is easy to extend, although it doesn't seem to automatically handle unit name clashes. I have some simple logic in the workflow to deal with situations like "u 1cup>oz", where the unit name "oz" refers to weight ounces, but we mean fluid ounces. Basically I have a table of alternate possibilities for some unit names. If a conversion fails and either the source or destination units are in the table, the converter tries again with the alternate units. 


    Awesome. Awesome. Awesome! This is going to be incredibly handy.


    Thank you again.

  3. Ok, it's been way too long since I updated this. I've pushed out an updated version that uses a local library rather than a web service. I was a bit worried about input processing (that was half the fun of using Google -- I could just throw stuff at Google and get back a reasonable answer), but I found a library that's pretty flexible, Hernan Grecco's excellent Pint (https://github.com/hgrecco/pint).


    I simplified the interface a bit. There's only a single command now, u, and a single query format, "u {input value} > {output units}" (like "u 1mile > km"). You can still do unit math with queries like "u 1mile + 220m > km", and you can drop spaces that don't make the input ambiguous ("u1mile+220m>km").


    This looks great! Is there a place we can see what units it supports? I have looked at https://github.com/hgrecco/pint and at https://github.com/jason0x43/jc-units and haven't been able to find this information.


    Thank you!

  4. I apologize for not getting back here sooner.


    It turns out I was being a bonehead (nothing new there). Somehow, when creating the workflow, I created two almost identical workflows. Both had cntrl-cmd-a as the hotkey and both pasted a list of email addresses from the clipboard. Therefore, when I deleted one of them, there was still another, with a completely different name, hanging around and causing trouble. I didn't notice the other until earlier today and deleting the second one solved the problem.


    I apologize for stirring a pot that didn't need stirring.



  5. I created a workflow in Alfred 2.0.8 (211) that was triggered by a hotkey (ctrl-cmd-a) and that simply copied and pasted a list of email addresses (using paste text clip from hotkey). After creating it, I realized that I had assigned ctrl-cmd-a to an email account in Mail using the Keyboard preference pane. To make a long story short, I proceeded to delete the workflow since I wasn't going to need it anyway. With this as background, now when I type ctrl-cmd-a to select an account from which to send email, Alfred still pastes the list of email addresses in the outgoing message. I have even restarted the machine and it still happens. The workflow I created is nowhere to be found in Alfred, yet Alfred seems to think it is still there.




    This is under OS X 10.8.5.

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