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Posts posted by sound214

  1. I've had a closer look at the code, and it is a Unicode problem.

    Turns out this workflow uses are really old verison of alfred.py. Downloading a newer version from here to replace the buggy one should fix the problem.

    Alternatively, you can add the missing normalisation yourself:

    At the top of process.py, add import unicodedata alongside the other import statements.

    Then in line 51/52, change if query_str: to:


    if query_str:
       query_str = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', query_str)
    With regard to the icons, filetype icons is all you're going to get. Alfred doesn't know how to show file thumbnails/cover art etc.




    Changing the alfred.py to the newer one worked out perfectly! Thank you very much!


    Do you have a solution for my last problem, about not getting an indicator bar and thus not being able to browse more than 9 items?

  2. Thank you for your suggestions! Sadly, the first one did not work - it's still not letting me search å, ä, and ö. The second one did sort of work, but shows me the icon for the filetype ".delicious3medium". In Finder, however, I see a preview of the cover art of the file. See images for clarification.


    EDIT: This can be fixed clicking cmd + i and dragging album art to each file, but it's a little tedious to say the least.






  3. I love this workflow! Currently, I got it working as sort of a library, where I have Delicious Library files inside a folder and have this workflow searching inside that folder.


    However, I have three feature requestsIs:


    1. Is there any way to get Swedish letters working? å, ä and ö.

    2. I'd love the ability to get the icon of the files to show in Alfred, instead of the QR logo.

    3. I don't get the indicator and the scroll to browse through more than the standard 9 results. How come?



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