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Werner Dijkerman

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Posts posted by Werner Dijkerman

  1. Thank you so far! That overview looks awesome and I do see everything! 🥳

    Yes, I now see all sections which is awesome. I added a task in my inbox, that went fine. But now when I want to add it into my section, like this:


    #Private 🏡/Research 🔎 pizza eten

    My "private" project, has "Research" as section and "eating pizza" as a task.


    I get the error:

    [21:07:56.782] AlfreDo[Script Filter] Passing output '🏡/Research 🔎 pizza eten #Private 🏡/Research 🔎 ' to Run Script
    [21:07:57.027] ERROR: AlfreDo[Run Script] Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/wdijkerman/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.2C7310D3-44BF-479B-9EC1-FBD823EF246B/alfredo_ops.py", line 981, in <module>
        main ()
      File "/Users/wdijkerman/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.2C7310D3-44BF-479B-9EC1-FBD823EF246B/alfredo_ops.py", line 973, in main
        createNewTask (taskText,taskLabels,taskProjectID, taskSectionID, myDueDate)
      File "/Users/wdijkerman/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.2C7310D3-44BF-479B-9EC1-FBD823EF246B/alfredo_ops.py", line 293, in createNewTask
        taskLabels = taskLabels.split(',')
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

    I did a test, because I had a lot of "split" with Python myself 😉 is that I now created a project and section without any icons. There I was able to create the task in my new section without any problems:


    [21:12:30.478] STDERR: AlfreDo[Run Script] b'{"full_sync":true,"sync_status":{"231797cb-9aac-4202-9d6d-pizzae0efd":"ok"},"sync_token":"SomeTokenwhichmihghtbesecret","temp_id_mapping":{"f428d44d-2cb8-4e5f-a143-f5df782b8ea5":"6950082140"}}'


    Then the 2nd task, was creating a task in this new project/section, with a due date:


    [21:17:07.504] AlfreDo[Script Filter] Passing output '#Work/Testing due:2023-06-09T10:00 eating pizza' to Run Script
    [21:17:08.603] STDERR: AlfreDo[Run Script] b'{"full_sync":true,"sync_status":{"e6d5f6d7-3039-484e-b7a8-0c396c86206a":"ok"},"sync_token":"SomeTokenwhichmihghtbesecret","temp_id_mapping":{"2ed4a983-9890-4ebc-a72d-7eba2bd3ae0f":"6950093094"}}'


    And that works as well! Nice! Only noticed the STDERR instead of an OK, but it doesn't provide an error and it worked, so - in a way - i don't care 😃 (probably something very minor...)


    The pleasure is all mine!  

  2. Thank you! I do see the Sections now. So `!!! ^` and it provides (some, not all) of the sections. That is already helping a lot.


    Issues that I see so far with Sections:

    * I have a section `Reviews` and `Research` in the same project, but only `Research` shows up. (Solved with: `todoist::refresh`)

    * I have a section `Schedules` in 2 projects, only 1 shows up when doing `!!! ^`. Even when I rename 1 "Schedules" into something else (like "something), I can not select it.


    But when I want to add the date: `!!! ^Books 📚 Read something due:2023-08-15T15:15` It won't show up in todoist.


    While writing this, I noticed that no tasks are added at all. Even a simple one with `!!! #Private blablabla` or `!!! blablabla`.

    I checked, my api key is correct, i did the `todoist::refresh` twice and closed todoist as well.

  3. On 6/1/2023 at 1:37 AM, giovanni said:

    glad you find it helpful @Werner Dijkerman, I only implemented the features I used, but I am happy to add new ones! 

    if you are ok with entering the number of days and then an hour in 24-h format (like due:10-1025), that is straightforward. If you want to enter a full date, plus the time (i.e. 2023-06-10-10:25, that is also possible but it will take me more time because I currently take either the number of days, or one the preset intervals, so I would need to take a standard format date.


    if I understand correctly, sections behave like project-specific tags? If so, I can use the same function to get tags, but restrict to the ones in that project. 


    I am happy to add these features, I might need some help with troubleshooting as I am not too familiar with them.

    Thank you for your reply, hugely appreciated!


    I personally like the 'due:2023-06-10-10:25' pretty much, i like those kind of dates :). I have Todoist linked to my Gmail calender, meaning that when I create a task and only select a date (like tomorrow, or ..) it will be an 'all day' schedule in my calender. The first one is also possible (due:10-1025), but - maybe that is me personally - not that mind friendly (calculating/math).


    In my "Private" project, I have what Todoist calls "Sections". I have a few, like "Research", "Reviews" & "Books". When I create a new todo for a book that I need to read, I create one in the "Private" project and place it in the "Books" section. This allows me to see that at the moment, I have to buy 6 books atm. From a usage p.o.v. it is indeed something like project-specific tags, or maybe groups.


    I can always help where needed.

  4. Thank you for this workflow, this is a real life save. One small question, maybe I overlooked it and if so, my apologies, but is there a way to create a reminder for a different list? I have next to de default "Reminders", also a list for both of my clients/projects. And I want to create reminders for these clients/projects, next to the default one.


    Thanks in advance.

    May the force be with you.

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