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  1. You are right, thank you ! I just use Alfred for 1 week and it is my first workflow, so it may have lots of issues, i will optimize it when im familiar with writing workflows
  2. If Afread Debug saild "ImportError: No module named requests" and `pip install requests` dont work, Try there steps: First, check if you have python and pip on you Mac, or use brew to install. Second, you may still get ImportError when you have already `pip install requests`, that may because you have many python(such as 2.7 3.5 3.7 3.9), The python which installed requests module is different from the python alfred use. Then you can find the right python's path by using `whereis python` `which python` or other ways, then edit the workflow:
  3. That is because your python miss requests module. use `pip install requests` to install it
  4. This tool helps you with currency conversion For example, convert 100 USD to EUR: check here: https://github.com/y1nglamore/AlfredCurrencyConverter btw, it needs your python has requests module. you can try `python -c "import requests"` on bash , if it don't tell you 'ImportError: No module named requests' that means you have the `requests` module. Otherwise, use `pip install requests` to install it
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