I recently started using Readwise for my highlights, and I found that I really loved the spaced repetition feature where it'd give me a digest of random highlights I had each day. I realized that what would really help me with all the stuff I have saved is being able to get a random bookmark saved in my browser or bookmark saved in Pocket or Raindrop.io. It'd help me remember things that I actually wanted to view later but got buried and help me organize stuff.
So since Alfred can search through my bookmarks and through Raindrop.io (and maybe Pocket? I don't know if there's a workflow for that that still works), I was wondering if there was a way to get a random one? I know that there is a Random utility, but it looks like it would need to be added to the script of the workflow. I mean, I'm willing to learn and build my own workflow, I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything.
I'm sorry if this is a dumb question or if I'm not making sense. I literally just started using Alfred yesterday haha.