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  1. setapi should be a keyword not a script filter, it was working fine few version ago, don't know how it got changed... astroMD77: try this version https://github.com/francescolaffi/alfred-wordreference-workflow/raw/master/WordReference.alfredworkflow it should work avk_tp: I'll send a pull request with everything ready to release this fix edit: fixed link, the software of this forum is not really good understanding where an url finish
  2. i did a pull request that updates the update.json in src and inside the workflow file, remember to keep online the remote json at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4487203/wordreference.json making it point to the workflow on github, because the update.json of older version on people computers are still pointing to that one
  3. Hi, I forked it and made a couple of pull requests, one that organize a bit the repo and the other with the copy on enter functionality + one term per line. you can test how it works here https://raw.github.com/francescolaffi/alfred-wordreference-workflow/copy-on-enter/WordReference.alfredworkflow You can merge that code in your repo with the button that says accept pull request or merge it, or something like that. I believe it is possible to use github to distribute the workflow and host the remote json, if you need help with it or github contact me.
  4. I slimmed it a bit, now there is only translate.php instead than one file per language pair and there is only one loop in the file I also found out that german is not supported by the wordreference api...bad luck for me Well anyway give it a look https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/115338/WordReference.alfredworkflow If you are open to contributions github would probably be the best way to handle them. edit: by the way I think that it would be more useful if it would copy the translation to clipboard instead than opening wordreference the result could be compressed in one per line to show more like this: - title: {translated term} ({pos} {sense}) - subtitle: {original term} ({pos} {sense}) what you think of these ideas?
  5. Hi Anthony, thanks for the workflow, it's very useful. I'd like to add German, I had a look to the code and it repeat itself in several ways (all the {lang1}{lang2}.php files could be unificated passing the languages as a script argument from alfred, also all the loops in those files are very similar and could be done with a function), slimming it would make it easier to add languages and more maintainable. If you'd like I'll gladly do this refactoring and add german language, tell me what you think about it.
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