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  1. Ah, now I understand! I created a file filter workflow and now it works like a charm! Thank you very much Marco
  2. Hello, I've just switched from Alfred v1 to v2. I have some problems with Alfred v2 and finding files. The PDF file I'm searching for is located on an USB stick and Spotlight has no problems with finding that file. When Alfred v1 couldn't find it, I changed the search scope from "Default" to "Everything" in the settings panel and everything was fine when using 'find ...' or 'open ...'. However, now that I'm using Alfred v2, it doesn't find the file, but there is also no longer any option for setting the search scope to "Everything". Could this be the reason that the file isn't found? So five minutes ago, with Alfred v1, everything worked fine - now, five minutes later, with Alfred v2 it does not. (I'm mentioning the amount of minutes just for indicating that the problem is probably not related to wrong meta information from OS X). Thanks Marco
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