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Everything posted by pbb

  1. Ah, by two instances, I mean there are two windows, sorry for not being clear. It seems to work as you said, to hide just one instance. But the problem is I still can't bring one specific instance to the front other than just open a new one.
  2. I have two chrome instances with different profile opened, and I want to switch between them via workflow. The word switch means to make only one instance (or window) visible, while another not. And I don't want to quit Chrome entirely and launch a new instance when I want to switch, it'll be just too slow. Currently if one press cmd+H on either instance, both instances will be hidden. And commands like open -a 'Google Chrome' --args --profile-directory=Default will do nothing if there are at least one chrome instance is visible, and even worse, it'll not bring the focus to the Default profile in any case. I have found that hiding chrome will only hide those instances which is not in fullscreen, so if I set one of the instance into fullscreen, it may helps. So the question is: Is this possible with Alfred workflow?
  3. I want to hide them. I think the first two lines in the alfred script box works well, but the last two lines make me quite nervous... So basically macOS treat Finder completely differently even for its hiding mechanism?
  4. I have been trying to make a workflow, and in one step it needs to close all windows. Currently, I have tried the following applescript: on alfred_script(q) tell application "Finder" set visible of every process to false end tell end alfred_script and also on alfred_script(q) tell application "Finder" set visible of every process to false if q contains "all" then tell application "Finder" close every window end tell end if end tell end alfred_script which are all found online. I don't know applescript particularly well, and both of them seem fine. But there's one trick thing keeps happening: sometimes some windows will not be hidden. And using a simple ShortCut seems to fix this issue: But I would like to avoid this since it hurts the distributivity. The complete workflow can be found here (with old script currently) if this helps debugging. Demo: this is with workflow: and the launch apps list only contains VSCode, so basically some apps like Telegram is not hidden. I'm open to any solutions which can close windows more stably. And I know two scripts I have tried are all using Finder's hide other functionality, which make finder shows up. If it's possible I would like to make Finer be hidden as well. Edit: To be clear, I know there exists apps like bunch: But what I'm trying to do is to just hide those apps, not completely quit them, since I have huge amount of pdf files in Preview and also default apps. So to quit and reopen them will be a waste of time.
  5. Open different Apps and turn Focus on/off based on what I'm doing. Available Modes There are three modes: Work: Bring all relevant apps and close others, and turn on Work Focus. Break: Close work-apps, open entertaining-apps, turn off Work Focus. The default break time is 20 minutes, after that it'll bring you back to Work mode. Rest: Basically a no time-limit version of Break. The workflow is quite simple and can be simply expanded by just adding more modes depend on your needs. More on GitHub.
  6. Ah, this works! But it's quite weird since I have already tried this method before. The I've granted macOS permissions but they don't seem to work. What can I do? section here helps. Thanks!
  7. I just update to Alfred 5.0, and suddenly the auto-paste function doesn't work anymore. (it does copy the selected text and I can paste the selected clipboard history string manually, it just won't auto-paste) Settings: Build number: macOS version:
  8. Sorry for bringing this up: but I think this is an important thread for every Karabiner (and potentially other remapping apps) users. In my case, I actually have both Karabiner and Hammerspoon working together and they work just fine except Alfred. Specifically, I'm using a HHKB keyboard, so the usual `Capslock` key location is already be set as `Ctrl` (in layer 1 to be specific). And for my case, I basically tell Karabiner to interpret a single click on `Ctrl` as `Esc`, while interpreting it as `Ctrl` itself if I'm holding on it. Everything works as expected except when I try to close Alfred while there is a searching result. Turns out that @greendog's solution works quite well, thanks a lot.
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