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Posts posted by davidraviv

  1. On 12/24/2022 at 9:44 AM, Mingwei said:

    @davidraviv That error message means there's probably some sort of issue with how frameworks are linked to the compiled binary. It's strange because I can't reproduce the error on my end. I'll play around with it and see if I can figure it out, though this might take a while as I'm busy with other stuff right now, and I'll probably need you to help me test it out. 


    @alfredpanda very valid suggestions.

    • I personally like the notifications, but you can easily disable them on your end by deleting the Post Notification action in the workflow (and deleting all lines after the first line in the Run Script action if you have terminal-notifier installed, but I'm guessing you don't). 
    • Realised I made icons that only really work in dark mode after releasing it haha, I've been meaning to do something about that for a while but haven't had the time. In the meantime you can change the icons by opening the workflow folder and replacing all icon images with identically named files of your choosing. I got those icons from SF Symbols so you could do the same to create light mode compatible versions. 

    Thanks @Mingwei for investing your time into it! Please let me know how can I help.

  2. Hello @Mingwei,

    When trying to execute the workflow I get an exception.

    After selecting "Switch Sound Devices" I get the following in the debug console:

    [11:20:10.398] Switch Sound Devices[Script Filter] Queuing argument '(null)'
    [11:20:10.412] Switch Sound Devices[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished
    [11:20:10.420] ERROR: Switch Sound Devices[Script Filter] Code 134: dyld[14716]: Symbol not found: (_$s10Foundation11JSONEncoderC6encodeyAA4DataVxKSERzlFTj)
      Referenced from: '/Users/david/Library/CloudStorage/GoogleDrive/My Drive/setup/config/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.6C1A49F3-FDC5-4A82-9C8D-464F5C8CF805/sound-filter'
      Expected in: '/System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation'


    I did followed the awgo wiki to solve the permission issue, and it worked.

    I didn't set any configuration.

    I don't have the following installed:

    • terminal-notifier
    • switchaudio-osx

    I'm using:

    Monterey / Alfred 5 / Switch.Sound.Devices 2.0.0



  3. This is a simple workflow to connect and disconnect a paired BT device.

    Uses basic shell, no Python.


    It has two commands:

    • btc - lists all paired devices, select a device and hit ENTER to connect.
    • btd - lists all connected devices, select a device and hit ENTER to disconnect.


    See instructions and sample in the github repo README file

    Download the workflow from here


     If you like it, consider starring my repo. Thanks! 🙂

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