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  1. @zeitlings you've done it! Thank you so much again for taking the time to help, this is perfect. I use this multiple times a day so this is really super helpful 🙏
  2. @zeitlings This almost works perfectly, the only thing it's missing is the rich text formatting. i.e "To discuss" being a header, and any other text that I want as a subheader, or bolded for example. Is there any way to add rich text into the "Argument", like how it's possible within a normal Snippet? Thanks!
  3. Thank you! This is so helpful - I’ll definitely use your method 🙂 I’m a big fan of Apple Notes - just bought NotesCmdr, I think it will be useful for everything else.
  4. I see, thank you for the explanation! There are a few Notes apps that can build templates like NotesCmdr and ProNotes - I noticed NotesCmdr's templates are in Beta and don't currently support checklists so that makes sense. Looks like they're going to investigate workarounds.
  5. @Vero Could you help with this please? I would love to be able to do this as I use it daily, thanks!
  6. Thanks for the help, just tried in terminal and you're right it doesn't work. Seems like all the use cases I would like - Twitter, Facebook Ad Library, Loom, don't work with yt-dlp.
  7. Thank you so much!! I was tearing my hair out with that one. Really appreciate the swift reply, and so glad this is working now 🙂
  8. I'm struggling to download Twitter videos, or videos from Facebook's Ad library (example) - are these out of scope? Thanks
  9. I am experiencing this same issue. The below is not working - it is instead taking the value of the clipboard, not what is being selected. I have toggled on and off Alfred 5 in the Accessibility permissions to no avail. Thanks @Vero @Andrew
  10. Thank you @giovanni! This is one of my most-used workflows. It still functions correctly however I now get the following pop up when I set a meeting without specifically adding a duration.
  11. Hello, I use Snippets extensively, especially with Apple notes. One example is a meeting notes template which has various sections. In one section I would like to insert the checkboxes from Apple Notes like this: However no matter what I try they always come through as normal bullet points This is how it looks in Alfred's settings. It's a copy/paste from Apple Notes. Is there a better way I can achieve what I need? Thanks!
  12. I realise this, however what I'm showing is the hotkey works fine. Alfred however does not seem to be triggering the hotkey? There are other examples where I might want Alfred to trigger a hotkey, and so I'd rather understand why this action isn't working otherwise I might run into it again.
  13. The key combo is set in BetterTouchTool and works just fine, it's triggering via Alfred that I can't get to work:
  14. I have a hotkey set up to toggle True Tone which works great. However, I like to set up keyword entry for configuring settings, but cannot get this to work. Alfred has full accessibility permissions, executing "lock" works just fine. Have toggled on and off and restarted Alfred anyways, but no luck. Am I missing something obvious here? Thank you.
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